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Digital Dialogues

Digital Dialogues convenes prominent digital humanities, new media, and information technology practitioners to present their field-defining research. The series, which celebrated its 40th season in Spring 2024, invites intellectual exchange around topics critical to the digital humanities. Follow us on social media (@umd_mith on X/Twitter and@mith_umd on Instagram) for more details.

Past Digital Dialogues


Kimberly  Bain
Kimberly Bain
MITH Conference Room

Behind the LineDigitally Rethinking and Restructuring Geopolitical Borders and its Surroundings

Sylvia  Fernandez
Sylvia Fernandez
MITH Conference Room

A Colony in Crisis after Five YearsDigital Konbit in Practice

Kelsey  Corlett-Rivera
Kelsey Corlett-Rivera
Nathan  Dize
Nathan Dize
MITH Conference Room

Difficult HeritageIndigenous Collections in Digital Humanities

Jennifer  Guiliano
Jennifer Guiliano
MITH Conference Room

The Sound of Public Humanities and its Oscillatory Accessibility

Setsuko  Yokoyama
Setsuko Yokoyama
MITH Conference Room

Digital ContainerizationA History of Information Storage Containers for Programmable Media

Kyle  Bickoff
Kyle Bickoff
MITH Conference Room

Decolonizing DisasterSurviving Surveillance in Post-hurricane Puerto Rico

Christina  Boyles
Christina Boyles
MITH Conference Room

Computational Transcription of Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts and Crowdsourcing their Corrections

Daniel  Stökl Ben Ezra
Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra
MITH Conference Room

Videogames, Glitches, and the Narrative of Malfunction

Andrew  Ferguson
Andrew Ferguson
MITH Conference Room

In a Dataset of Their Own: Comparisons of black artists and black artists

Howard  Rambsy II
Howard Rambsy II
MITH Conference Room