Digital Dialogues

Digital Dialogues convenes prominent digital humanities, new media, and information technology practitioners to present their field-defining research. The series, which celebrated its 40th season in Spring 2024, invites intellectual exchange around topics critical to the digital humanities. Follow us on social media (@umd_mith on X/Twitter and@mith_umd on Instagram) for more details.

Past Digital Dialogues

Listening Bodies, Digital Production, and the Pursuit of Invigorated Sonic Experiences

Stephanie  Ceraso
Stephanie Ceraso
MITH Conference Room

Prosopography and Crowding Attention

Alison  Booth
Alison Booth
MITH Conference Room

Spectacular Stunts and Digital Detachment: Connecting Effects to Affects in US Car Movies

Caetlin  Benson-Allott
Caetlin Benson-Allott
MITH Conference Room

New Voices in Digital Curation

Margo  Padilla
Margo Padilla
MITH Conference Room

There Is No Internet

Lori  Emerson
Lori Emerson
MITH Conference Room

On Not LookingEthics and Access in the Digital Humanities

Kimberly  Christen-Withey
Kimberly Christen-Withey
MITH Conference Room

What Falls Out: Preserving Our Digital Heritage with BitCurator

Porter  Olsen
Porter Olsen
MITH Conference Room

Heavy Data, Cultural MemoriesLessons from the AIDS Memorial Quilt Digital Experience Project

Anne  Balsamo
Anne Balsamo
MITH Conference Room

An Eliminativist Ontology of the Digital World—and What It Means for Data Curation

Allen  Renear
Allen Renear
MITH Conference Room