A Glance at the Current State of Video Game Preservation

A number of cultural institutions have begun to take an interest in videogame preservation — but before materials make it to the archives, they are managed by their creators. Understanding what the videogame industry itself is doing with the concept art, tools, and other records they create is an important step to ensure that these increasingly important artifacts are preserved for future generations. In this talk, Rachel Donahue, doctoral student at the iSchool, will discuss her findings from a preliminary survey of videogame industry (and player community) preservation and records management practices.
Speaker Bios
Rachel Donahue is a doctoral student at the University of Maryland's iSchool, researching the preservation of complex, interactive digital objects. She received a BA in English and Illustration from Juniata College in 2004, and an MLS with a specialization in archival science from UMD in 2009. Rachel is a Research Assistant at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, currently supporting the Preserving Virtual Worlds and Computer Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections projects . Additionally, she supports the research and communications activities of the National Archives and Records Administration's Center for Advanced Systems and Technology.
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