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Managing Projects in the Digital Humanities

Jeremy Boggs
Creative LeadCenter for History and New MediaGeorge Mason UniversityRead Bio

Crucial to the success of any digital humanities project is a clear and deliberate plan for management, design and development, and connecting with users. In this presentation, Jeremy Boggs will discuss project management approaches and design/development process for digital humanities. The talk will cover initial planning for a project, working with various personnel, creating time frames and milestones, establishing an in-house design and development process, and connecting with users once a project is public.

As Head of Research & Development, I focus on front-end development, user interface, user experience, and aesthetics for Scholars’ Lab projects, as well as leading the Scholars’ Lab R&D team. In addition to helping faculty and students on their research projects, I keep office hours and do research and teaching for our Makerspace. I’m currently researching methods for doing distant reading of comic books using computer vision. I’ve been a practicing digital humanist for a little over a decade now. I have a Master’s degree in History, and have taught courses in history, graphic design, new media, and American studies. I’m also an instructor at HILT and Accessible Future. I formerly served as the Communication Officer for the Association for Computers and the Humanities.

A continuously updated schedule of talks is also available on the Digital Dialogues page.

Unable to attend the events in person? Archived podcasts can be found on the MITH website, and you can follow our Digital Dialogues Twitter account @digdialog as well as the Twitter hashtag #mithdd to keep up with live tweets from our sessions. Viewers can watch the live stream as well.

All talks free and open to the public. Attendees are welcome to bring their own lunches.

Contact: MITH (mith.umd.edu, mith@umd.edu, 301.405.8927).