Podcasting in the Classroom: A Webcast and Digital Dialogue at MITH
Duke University is hosting an academic symposium on podcasting. Join us for the webcast of the session, "iPods in the Classroom" from 12:20 to 1:20 pm followed by a discussion of the topic. Bring your lunch and learn more about how your colleagues have put their iPods to use for teaching.
A continuously updated schedule of talks is also available on the Digital Dialogues page.
Unable to attend the events in person? Archived podcasts can be found on the MITH website, and you can follow our Digital Dialogues Twitter account @digdialog as well as the Twitter hashtag #mithdd to keep up with live tweets from our sessions. Viewers can watch the live stream as well.
All talks free and open to the public. Attendees are welcome to bring their own lunches.
Contact: MITH (mith.umd.edu, mith@umd.edu, 301.405.8927).