Digital Humanities at Scale
The HathiTrust Research Center
The recently formed HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC) is dedicated to the provision of computational access to the HathiTrust repository.The center’s mission is to provide a persistent and sustainable structure to enable original and cutting edge research in tools to enable new discoveries on the text corpus of the HathiTrust repository. In this talk, I will talk about the functionality that HTRC will provide, about the research questions that come out of providing a facility for large-scale text analysis, and about the research and modes of use we hope to stimulate within the digital humanities community through the center.

Beth Plale is Director of the Data To Insight Center and Professor of Computer Science at Indiana University Bloomington. Professor Plale has broad research and governance interest in long term preservation and access to digital data, and enabling computational access to large-scale data for broader groups of researchers. Her specific research interests are in tools for metadata and provenance capture, data repositories, cyberinfrastructure for large-scale data analysis, and workflow systems. Plale is a recipient of the prestigious DOE Early Career award and is a senior member of ACM and an IEEE Member.