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Accessibility in Digital Environments

Language, Law, and the Question of Inclusion

Everyone agrees that accessibility in digital environments for people with disabilities is an important goal. (Well, not everyone...) And yet most resources in digital environments present accessibility obstacles. Why? And what can we do about that? Everyone agrees that the Digital Humanities is an increasingly important field of activity in the humanities, a field that emphasizes openness and inclusion. (Well, not everyone...) And yet many scholars report feeling unwelcome and excluded. Why? And what can we do about that? This presentation will address these topics and consider how these two sets of questions might be related.


George Williams
Associate ProfessorDepartment of EnglishUniversity of South Carolina Upstate

Dr. Williams is an Associate Professor of English at the University of South Carolina Upstate where he has led a research project on accessible website development. His research and teaching interests include eighteenth-century studies, orality & literacy, the digital humanities, and disability studies in the humanities. He is a regular contributor to Profhacker.com, BrailleSC.org, and EighteenthCentury.org.