"Response abilities to Data" Lightning Talks
_Participants: _Kelley O’Neal (UMD Libraries), Maddie Clybourn (Prince George’s County Memorial Public Library System), Jessica Lu (Post-Doc with African American History, Culture, and Digital Humanities), Amy Wickner (UMD Special Collections and University Archives) _Moderator: _Matthew Miller (UMD Roshan Institute) Endangered Data Week is as collaborative effort, coordinated across campuses, nonprofits, libraries, citizen science initiatives, and cultural heritage institutions, to shed light on public datasets that are in danger of being deleted, repressed, mishandled, or lost. We intend this panel to move between a “10,000 ft view” and bespoke practices spun out of experience and care of data. We are particularly interested in how we move to identify our responsibilities and what, as Haraway (link) suggests, our response abilities towards the threats to cultural, scientific, and government data.

Jessica H. Lu earned her Ph.D. in Communication and Graduate Certificate in Women's Studies from the University of Maryland, College Park, where she now serves as the Associate Director of Design Cultures & Creativity (DCC) in the Honors College. Trained as a rhetorical critic, she is concerned with how we can practice greater care for past, present, and future humans---especially those whose lives are shaped by precarity and state-sanctioned violence---in the ways we use language to create, design, and destroy our worlds. She examines, in particular, the ideas and rhetorical practices that form, advance, and disrupt racist logics in public discourse in the United States. Her work is further positioned at the intersections of African American history, archives, and digital humanities, as she specializes in adapting the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard of scholarly markup to critically model, analyze, and amplify Black people's practices of rhetorical invention and innovation.