DHDC Workshop #3

DHDC Workshop #3

Carrying out computational research with digital materials requires that both scholars and information professionals understand how to manage and curate data over its entire lifetime of interest. Participants will learn how to:

  • Model humanities data for sustainable computational research
  • Identify, assess, and mitigate risks to their data
  • Evaluate tools and systems for working with data from a curatorial perspective
  • Plan and implement data management during all phases of a project's lifecycle
  • Leverage data curation skills to improve scholarly publications, grant applications, and promotion dossiers
  • Understand and stay current with the landscape of data curation research

The Digital Humanities Data Curation Institute workshops are aimed at humanities researchers — whether traditional faculty or alternative (alt-ac) professionals — as well as librarians, archivists, other information professionals, and advanced graduate students.


Trevor  Muñoz

Trevor Muñoz is the Director of the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH). He provides management and strategic direction for MITH's portfolio of digital humanities research, community building, and public programming. His own current research is centered in a community-university collaboration dedicated to preserving and sharing the heritage of the historic African American community of Lakeland in Prince George's County, Maryland, through community members' own voices. His work has focused on humanities approaches to data curation [1] [2], the strategic opportunities and challenges of doing digital humanities work within the institutional and cultural structures of academic research libraries [3] [4], and on the design and sustainability of interdisciplinary research collaborations. Muñoz is a member of the founding team of the African American History and Culture and Digital Humanities (AADHum) Initiative and has served, since 2017, as a Co-Principal Investigator for the major grant from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation that supports AADHum. With Jennifer Guiliano, he serves as Co-Director of the Humanities Intensive Learning + Teaching (HILT) Institute. Muñoz previously served as MITH's Associate Director and also as Assistant Dean for Digital Humanities Research in the University of Maryland Libraries. Muñoz holds an MA in Digital Humanities from the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London and an MS in Library and Information Science from the School of Information Sciences at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign.