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Barn raising report

by MITH on
The MITH barn raising finished last week with resounding success. As previously reported, the group (participants listed in the early blog entry here) split into two teams: one working to extend the tei-ann plugin for CKEditor (http://sourceforge.net…continue reading

MITH barn raising continues

by MITH on
Day 3 of the barn-raising is underway. During the first two days of the project, Susan Brown and James Chartrand came down from Canada to meet in person with the team from MITH. Hugh Cayless and Jon Deering joined us via Skype. We began with a Skyped…continue reading

MITH in Top Ten!

by MITH on
Work led by MITH on a Mellon-funded symposium and CLIR report on Digital Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections has been recognized by the Library of Congress in its year-end roundup of Top Ten Digital Preservation…continue reading

Call for Participants, MITH API Workshop

by Dave Lester on
The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities will host a two-day workshop on developing APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) for the digital humanities. mith.umd.edu/apiworkshop The workshop will gather 40-50 digital humanities…continue reading

First MITH barn-raising: Web-based TEI editor

by MITH on
It's January 3rd. You've taken back all your unwanted gifts and started your diet. What is there left to be excited about...except the first MITH barn raising! In the grand tradition of the Old Order Mennonites of the Pennsylvanian and Canadian…continue reading

Four New MITH Hires

by MITH on
Santa has arrived early this year at MITH and gifted us with four wonderful new hires. I'm delighted to be able to introduce them now to the greater MITH Community: Travis Brown (@travisbrown), who is joining us as an R&D developer, holds an M.A. in…continue reading

Digital Forensics and Cultural Heritage

by MITH on
MITH is pleased to announce the availability of Digital Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections, a new CLIR report emerging from a Mellon-sponsored workshop held last spring at the University of Maryland and led by MITH's…continue reading

Congratulations to Doug Reside!

by Neil Fraistat on
It is a bittersweet moment to announce that MITH’s Associate Director Doug Reside will be leaving us to become the first ever digital curator for the performing arts at the New York Public Library. In introducing Doug Reside at the beginning of a…continue reading

MITH stickers up for grabs

by MITH on
Earlier this semester a shipment of MITH stickers arrived that we've been passing out at Digital Dialogues. We'll continue to have them available at MITH events, but want to open this opportunity to the greater DH community while supplies last…continue reading

MITH Welcomes Jason Scott

by MITH on
On November 8th and 9th, JASON SCOTT, independent filmmaker, computer archivist, activist, and historian, and purveyor of tuna for @Sockington, the most popular cat on the internet, will be visiting the University of Maryland campus. Jason will…continue reading

Neil Fraistat Delivers Keynote in Vienna

by MITH on
MITH Director Neil Fraistat delivered the keynote lecture Tuesday morning at the Supporting the Digital Humanities (SDH) Conference in Vienna. SDH2010 is the first conference that is jointly organized by the CLARIN and DARIAH initiatives, which are…continue reading

Three New Jobs at MITH

by MITH on
MITH is looking to fill three (count ‘em) new positions: Software Architect, Software Developer, and Project Coordinator. Check out our jobs page for the full descriptions.continue reading

Preserving Virtual Worlds 2 Funded

by MITH on
The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), the College of Information Studies, and the Department of English at the University of Maryland are very pleased to announce their participation in a $785,000 National Leadership Grant…continue reading

MITH Welcomes Alan Liu

by MITH on
On Monday and Tuesday, October 4 and 5, Prof. Alan Liu (U California, Santa Barbara), one of the world's leading scholars in digital humanities, will be visiting the campus.. On Monday October 4, at 3:30pm, in Ulrich Recital Hall, Tawes, Prof. Liu…continue reading