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MITH Launches Vintage Computing Site

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MITH is very pleased to announce a new Web site devoted to its sizable (and growing) collection of vintage computers, retro software, and other artifacts from the early era of personal computing. The centerpiece of the site is a a considered metadata…continue reading

Fall 2010 Digital Dialogues Schedule

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The Fall 2010 MITH Digital Dialogues schedule is now available (PDF). As always, Digital Dialogues are Tuesdays at 12:30 in the MITH conference room (McKeldin Library). We especially like seeing visitors from our neighboring campuses around town…continue reading

Welcome Back to MITH!

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Dear MITH Community, As another academic year begins, I have the happy opportunity of welcoming you all back to MITH for what promises to be another exciting, event-laden year. While I’m at it, I’ll review some of the highlights from last year and…continue reading

TEDx Potomac Simulcast at MITH

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On Thursday May 20th, MITH will be hosting a live simulcast of TEDx Potomac, a 1-day, independently-organized TED event, from 9am to 5pm. The event will happen in our conference room, and is free and open to the public. The theme is “Beyond Politics…continue reading

Preserving Virtual Worlds Hits the Airwaves Again

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Following Matthew Kirschenbaum's appearance on the Kojo Nnamdi show last month, Rachel Donahue and Kari Kraus discuss the Preserving Virtual Worlds project on today's Maryland Morning show with Sheilah Kast on Baltimore's WYPR 88.1 FM (their segment…continue reading

MITH Fellowship Call

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MITH is currently inviting applications from the University of Maryland's College of Arts & Humanities and from the University Libraries for a MITH Resident Fellowship during the 2010-2011 academic year. Resident Fellowships offer customized…continue reading

Announcing Musical Theatre Online!

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The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) is proud to announce the launch of the prototype of Music Theatre Online (MTO), a freely accessible web-based archive of musical and music theatre. Funded by a Digital Humanities Startup…continue reading

Doug Reside Promoted to Associate Director!

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Dear all, It is my great pleasure to share with you the news that Doug Reside has just been promoted from Assistant to Associate Director of MITH in recognition of the superb work he has done since arriving here in 2006. As many of you know, Doug is…continue reading

Rosenzweig Forum for the Digital Humanities

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"Negotiating the Cultural Turn(s): Subjectivity, Sustainability, and Authority in the Digital Humanities" — a conversation with Tim Powell and Bethany Nowviskie Wednesday, February 17, 2010 from 4:30 to 6:30pm Murray Room, Lauinger Library…continue reading

Reading for the Snowbound (and the Rest of You)

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For any of you who are snowed in or otherwise looking for interesting reading, The Atlantic has a brief piece about the Preserving Virtual Worlds Project, featuring Matt Kirschenbaum and Kari Kraus. The second link is from an online New York Times…continue reading

Spring 2010 Digital Dialogues Schedule

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We are very pleased to announce another semester of Digital Dialogues. In the four year since we have made Digital Dialogues a weekly event at MITH we have hosted over 100 speakers from the College Park campus and beyond (often far beyond) to discuss…continue reading