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MITH is Hiring

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The Maryland Institute of Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the University of Maryland in College Park is seeking a full time programmer for at least a year to work on the NEH/JISC funded Shakespeare's Quartos project. This exciting digital…continue reading

Announcing "Digital Diasporas"

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The African American/African Diaspora Studies Area Group of the English Department and the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) announce "Digital Diasporas: Digital Humanities and African American/African Diaspora Studies" to…continue reading

Reposted: Three GA Positions at MITH

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We are currently looking to hire three GA positions at MITH, with a wide variety of skill sets. Please read each of the three ads below carefully, and clearly indicate which position you're applying for. MGK 1. The Maryland Institute for Technology…continue reading

A New Digital Humanities Blog

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Lisa Spiro, director of the Digital Media Center at Rice University, has just opened what looks to be a fabulous new digital humanities blog, Digital Scholarship in the Humanities. Recommended.continue reading

New Spring Course on Digital Humanities

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We are delighted to announce that Dr. Doug Reside, Assistant Director of MITH, the Maryland Institute of Technology in the Humanities, will be offering a 3-credit spring course through the English department on the basic applied elements of the…continue reading

Adjustments to Digital Dialogues Schedule

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There have been some adjustments to the fall Digital Dialogues schedule. There will be no talk on 11/6. LINDA FRUEH's talk, originally scheduled for 11/6, will move to 11/27. JONATHAN AUERBACH's talk, originally scheduled for 11/27, will be…continue reading

MITH Welcomes TEI@20

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MITH is very pleased to welcome the Text Encoding Initiative Consortium to College Park next week for its 20th Anniversary Members' Meeting. Registration is now closed, but the program is jam-packed with talks, poster sessions, meetings, and social…continue reading

Roy Rosenzweig, 1950-2007

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It is with great sadness that MITH notes the passing of Roy Rosenzweig, founding director of the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University (chnm.gmu.edu), as well as professor of history at GMU. Roy's achievements and…continue reading