Please join us at MITH (and remotely) this Thursday to gather with others looking to learn from each other about how to investigate and thwart hate speech in social media. At our Night Against Hate event we will collaboratively try to link the…continue reading
MITH is pleased to announce Avery Dame, doctoral candidate in the department of Women’s Studies at the University of Maryland, as the Winnemore Dissertation Fellow for 2016-2017. Dame is completing his dissertation, “Talk Amongst Yourselves…continue reading
Doing digital scholarly work, or curious about the digital humanities and related digital studies? The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) is a digital humanities center located right at the heart of campus in Hornbake Library…continue reading
We may have spent the summer organizing and exploring Digital Dialogues past, but now it's time to remind you all that over a decade after we've begun this series, we're still here bringing you amazing talks by groundbreaking academics. Our Fall 201…continue reading
This is the 6th post in MITH’s Digital Stewardship Series. In this post, MITH’s summer intern David Durden discusses his work on MITH’s audiovisual collection of historic Digital Dialogues events. The Digital Dialogues series showcases many prominent…continue reading
This is the 5th post in MITH's Digital Stewardship Series. In this post, MITH's summer intern David Durden discusses his work on MITH's audiovisual collection of historic Digital Dialogues events. I was brought on as a summer intern at MITH to work…continue reading
The University of Maryland Libraries are seeking a Processing Archivist for a term contract as part of the “Synergies among Digital Humanities and African American History and Culture” (AADHum) project. See below for more information about this…continue reading
Overview The University of Maryland is offering two Postdoctoral positions in the fields of Digital Humanities and African American History and Culture. Eligible candidates will have completed a doctoral program in African American Studies, Art…continue reading
MITH is excited to announce that Purdom Lindblad will be joining us in the newly established position of Assistant Director for Innovation and Learning, beginning in July. In this position, she will play a leadership role in managing MITH’s growing…continue reading
Please join us in welcoming our new summer intern Xiaoyu Tai! Xiaoyu will be working with us for six weeks on a project related to the design and development of a newspaper viewing application powered by the IIIF standard. Xiaoyu is a first year…continue reading
This is the 4th post in MITH's Digital Stewardship Series. In this post Ed Summers discusses ways to align your content with the grain of the Web so that it can last (a bit) longer. If I had to guess I would bet you found the document you are reading…continue reading
The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), University of Maryland’s digital humanities institute, is seeking a graduate student intern to assist with a data curation and stewardship project during the summer 2016 term to assist…continue reading
This spring, MITH worked with the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and the University of Maryland Human-Computer Interaction Lab (HCIL) to bring renowned technology scholar Andy van Dam to campus for two successful events. The first, on…continue reading
Back in February we announced MITH's involvement in the Documenting the Now project, which is now under way. In a nutshell, Documenting the Now is an effort to build an application called DocNow, that helps researchers and archivists collect Web…continue reading
The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) at the University of Maryland seeks an Assistant Director for Innovation and Learning to play a leadership role in managing MITH’s growing portfolio of courses and instructional programs…continue reading
MITH is pleased to announce that we are officially accepting applications for the 2016-17 Winnemore Digital Humanities Dissertation Fellows Program. Every other academic year, MITH provides support to a graduate student whose dissertation engages the…continue reading
MITH is very pleased to announce two upcoming events in late April featuring renowned Computer Science and Technology professor Andy van Dam. The first event, on Monday April 25th at 7:30pm, will be a screening of the 1974 Documentary Hypertext: An…continue reading
The Shelley-Godwin Archive is pleased to announce the public release of Percy Bysshe Shelley’s Prometheus Unbound fair copy notebooks, Bodleian MSS. Shelley e.1, e.2, and e.3. Beyond the fair copy of what is arguably Shelley’s greatest poem, these…continue reading
A few weeks ago MITH announced that it will be partnering with Washington University in St Louis (WUSTL) and the University of California at Riverside (UCR) on a new project called Documenting the Now. Documenting the Now is aimed at accomplishing…continue reading
MITH’s Spring 2016 Digital Dialogues season is about to get underway! Starting next week with Elissa Frankle from the US Holocaust Museum, we have six amazing speakers covering a wide range of research specialties: Tuesday February 9, 2016: Elissa…continue reading
Come work with us on this wonderful opportunity connecting Digital Humanities and African American History and Culture! Open Rank Professor and Project Director Synergies among Digital Humanities and African American History and Culture The College…continue reading
MITH would like to call attention to a new opportunity from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), to create new web-based creative projects. The Library of Congress has developed a user-friendly Application Program Interface (API) to…continue reading
MITH is pleased to announce that Oliver Gaycken, Vambery Distinguished Professor of Comparative Studies for the 2015-16 academic year, has also been named a MITH Vambery Fellow for the same period. Faculty recipients of the Vambery fellowship are…continue reading
This morning President Wallace D. Loh circulated a video to the UMD community that featured selected research and creative work being conducted throughout the university. In addition to all of President Loh’s narration being shot on location at MITH…continue reading