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Fall 2015 Digital Dialogues Pre-Season Mixer

by Stephanie Sapienza on
Good news! So many of you expressed interest in having a Fall 2015 Digital Dialogues Pre-Season Mixer, that we will definitely be holding the event here at MITH on Tuesday, September 27, 2015 at 12:30pm. Although we asked all of you to express…continue reading

Stewarding Digital Humanities Work on the Web at MITH

by Trevor Muñoz on
A digital humanities center is nothing if not a site of constant motion: staff, directors, fellows, projects, partners, tools, technologies, resources, and (innumerable) best practices all change over time, sometimes in quite unpredictable ways. As…continue reading

Chances and Challenges of Studying Social Media Data

by Ed Summers on
Please join us at MITH on April 30th between 11-12 for a conversation with Katrin Weller about some of the methodological challenges around studying Twitter. Weller is a postdoctoral researcher at GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences in…continue reading

Early use data on a participatory digital edition

by Amanda Visconti on
Infinite Ulysses, the participatory digital edition of James Joyce's challenging novel Ulysses, is now about one month into its open beta-testing period. In this post, I'll describe how I went about user-testing the edition, and share some early…continue reading

A Look at #FergusonSyllabus

by Ed Summers on
As a new semester is about to begin academics are busily putting finishing touches on their course syllabi. Here at the University of Maryland there has been sustained interest over the past few months in integrating discussion and thinking about the…continue reading

Music Addressability API

by Raff Viglianti on
The Enhancing Music Notation Addressability project (EMA) is creating a system to address specific parts of a music document available online. By addressing we mean being able to talk about a specific music passage (cfr. Michael Witmore’s blog post…continue reading