We’re delighted to announce that MITH Director Neil Fraistat has recently been elected to a two-year term as Chair of the Steering Committee of ADHO, the international Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations. ADHO is an umbrella organization…continue reading
We would like to invite all former staff, fellows, project affiliates, and partners to join us to celebrate the dedication of our new campus home. Held September 5th from 3:30-5pm, the dedication event will celebrate the many years of success we've…continue reading
The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities at the University of Maryland and the National Digital Information Infrastructure Program at the Library of Congress are pleased to announce that they will serve as co-hosts of the 2013 Personal…continue reading
The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) is pleased to announce that it has been selected as a recipient of a National Endowment for the Humanities Chairman’s Cooperative Agreement for “Shared Horizons: Data, Biomedicine, and…continue reading
MITH has been involved in the Open Annotation Collaboration for a couple of years now, helping develop a standard way to express annotations on the web using linked data principles. Last week, several in the OAC community met in Chicago to show a…continue reading
MITH is pleased to announce an award from the National Endowment for the Humanities 2012 Institutes for Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities competition for a series of workshops on data curation for humanities scholars, librarians, and…continue reading
Digital Humanists from across the globe gathered last week at our annual conference, DH2012, hosted in the lovely city of Hamburg, Germany. While the weather felt tremendously cold to those of us who've spent the last few weeks in the US with 10…continue reading
In addition to getting the demo ready to go live–it’s ready to go!–this summer’s agenda has been to add texts and add reference material. We now have two sets of reference data ready to implement. The heavy lifting for this was done by Atara Siegel…continue reading
MITH will be moving from its current location on the McKeldin Mall to the Hornbake Library Building in the coming weeks. We anticipate being closed to walk in business beginning July 30th and plan to reopen in our new space (0301 Hornbake Library…continue reading
Join the team at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities at the University of Maryland. We are seeking an experienced research programmer who will provide technical expertise for research projects in the digital humanities. The…continue reading
The Digital Humanities Winter Institute is pleased to announce that the City University of New York (CUNY) Graduate Center Digital Initiatives Program has joined as a sponsor of the January 2013 event. Part of a constellation of DH efforts at CUNY…continue reading
MITH is pleased to announce a call for participation for its NEH-funded workshop on Topic Modeling for Humanities Research. This one-day event will take place Saturday, November 3, 2012 from 9 am to 5 pm on the campus of the University of Maryland…continue reading
The Editing Modernism in Canada (EMiC) Project and the Digital Humanities Winter Institute are delighted to announce the 8th course for the upcoming 2013 institute. Digital Editions, led by EMiC director Dean Irvine, is designed for individuals and…continue reading
I’ve just returned from a whirlwind ten days of DH conferences. If I only paid attention to my mode of residence during the trip, I’d call this post “DH via Dorm Rooms”, but what I really got out of the experience (besides some serious college deja…continue reading
For the last few months, my colleagues and I at MITH have been working behind the scenes to establish the Digital Humanities Winter Institute (DHWI). An extension of the highly-successful Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI) at the University…continue reading
For those of you who aren't familiar, the University of Victoria in beautiful British Columbia holds an annual summer training institute. For five consecutive days over the last ten years, Ray Siemens and digital humanities colleagues and students…continue reading
We now have two versions of a demos up and ready to run. Both allow a user to pull data from the witness files, containing manuscript transcriptions, select texts to compare, run the texts through a version of CollateX, then present the results as an…continue reading
My friend Sarah Wasserman, who is finishing up a brilliant dissertation on the idea and instances of ephemerality in 20th century American literature, recently sent me a couple of online columns written by Stanley Fish a few months back on the…continue reading
MITH will host the first annual Digital Humanities Winter Institute (DHWI), from Monday, January 7, 2013, to Friday, January 11, 2013, at the University of Maryland in College Park, Maryland. We're delighted to be expanding the model pioneered by the…continue reading
After a brief pause to reevaluate resources, aims, and methods, the Modern British archive of the Foreign Literatures in America project is back on track and slowly making progress. I’ve recently come to appreciate even more Peter Mallios’ previous…continue reading
The research I am doing presently uses visualizations to show latent patterns that may be detected in a set of poems using computational tools, such as topic modeling. In particular, I’m looking at poetry that takes visual art as its subject, a genre…continue reading
According to Christina Wodtke and Austin Govella in Information Architecture: Blueprints for the Web, wireframes are the spaces in which thinking becomes tangible. As my semester-long exploration of digital scholarly editions comes to a close, I have…continue reading
The Site I’ve now updated the “Examples of Work” page on digitalmishnah.org to include viewable samples. Thanks to Kirsten Keister for setting up the light box format to view the samples. The examples include two samples of work that processes more…continue reading
Team MARKUP, a group of graduate students working with the Shelley-Godwin Archive, evolved as a encoding project in Professor and MITH Director Neil Fraistat's Technoromanticism graduate seminar (English 738T) during the Spring 2012 term at the…continue reading