We are delighted to announce the lineup for the Spring 2019 Digital Dialogue series. The series will begin **Tuesday February 26 ****at 12:30 pm**. We will then have six additional incredible sessions. All Digital Dialogues will be held at 12:30 pm in the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities Conference Room, 0301 Hornbake Library North.
Digital Dialogues are open to the public and all are welcome.
Spring 2019 Digital Dialogues
**Tuesday, February 26: **Hugh Cayless, Senior DH Research Developer, Duke Collaboratory for Classics Computing (DC3), The Devil in the Details: DH for Small Data and Close Reading
Tuesday, March 05: Marya McQuirter, Curator, dc1968 project, 1968 Archives are Loud AF: Using DH to Transform Narratives About 1968 & 'The Archive'
Tuesday, March 12: Howard Rambsy II, Professor of Literature, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, **In a Dataset of Their Own: Comparisons of black artists and black artists **In conjunction with the African American History Culture and Digital Humanities (AADHum) Project
Tuesday, March 26: Andrew Ferguson, Visiting Assistant Professor, English, University of Maryland, Videogames, Glitches, and the Narrative of Malfunction
Tuesday, April 02: Daniel Stökl Ben Ezra, Research Professor, École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE), Paris, **Computational Transcription of Medieval Hebrew Manuscripts and Crowdsourcing their Corrections **In conjunction with the Meyerhoff Center for Jewish Studies.
Tuesday, April 09: Christina Boyles, Assistant Professor, Writing Rhetoric and American Cultures, Michigan State University, Decolonizing Disaster: Surviving Surveillance in Post-hurricane Puerto Rico
Tuesday, April 16, Kyle Bickoff, Winnemore Fellow, PhD Candidate, English, MITH, University of Maryland, Digital Containerization: A History of Information Storage Containers for Programmable Media
These talk pages will be updated with more information about each talk as it becomes available.
Digital Dialogues is MITH’s signature events program, held during the academic year, and is an occasion for discussion, presentation and intellectual exchange that you can build into your schedule.