Applications for MITH's Spring 2010 Winnemore Digital Humanities Dissertation Fellowship are now being accepted.
Intended for students whose dissertations engage the intersections between new media and the traditional concerns of the Arts and Humanities, the Winnemore Fellowship will provide a stipend of $9,570, plus full benefits and tuition remission up to five credits.
Nominees will be evaluated on three main criteria: (1) The potential contribution of the dissertation to the Digital Humanities; (2) The quality of the student's work; (3) The likelihood of the student successfully completing the dissertation.
Applicants will be asked to submit an application form; a 500-1000 word abstract written for a general audience; a statement of work completed to date, work remaining, and expected completion date; a curriculum vitae; and two letters of recommendation, one of which must be from the student's dissertation director.
Students who wish to apply for the fellowship should submit a copy of the application form and the required attachments to Neil Fraistat, Director of MITH, McKeldin Library B0131, Campus.
Students who have funding that is related to their dissertation research or another substantial fellowship should not apply.
Applications for Spring 2009 are due at MITH by noon, Monday, December 7, 2009. The recipient will be announced in mid-December 2009.
Please address any questions to Neil Fraistat, Director of MITH (fraistat at umd dot edu).