MITH and the Women's Studies Multimedia Studio is pleased to announce:
the first MITH/Digital Humanities "Gender Mixer" on Monday, December 5, 12-1pm in 0135 Taliaferro.
A collaboration between MITH and the Women's Studies Multimedia Studio, this is an opportunity for women and others interested in integrating digital humanities with such fields as gender and sexuality studies, critical race, disability, and/or other theories of difference, to find each other on campus and share experiences and support. We endeavor for this to become a monthly (or so) event in the spring semester. Meetings may take various forms--sometimes a reading group, a workshop, an opportunity to share works in progress, or simply an occasion to get together and talk. The first meeting will be a meet-and-greet, and a time to make a road map of meeting themes for the spring. We encourage faculty, staff, graduate and undergraduate students at all levels, and all degrees of familiarity with digital humanities and/or digital media, to attend.
Come chat about DH, the University of Maryland, gender and sexuality, critical race, disability, and other theories of difference...everyone is welcome!