MITH is working to make the values that guide our work more transparent. In the last year, we have added a statement of values to our website. One of our core values is collaboration. In line with this commitment, we are growing the network of people who have formal relationships with MITH. We are therefore delighted to announce the appointment of nine University of Maryland faculty and librarians as the first MITH Affiliates. The new MITH Affiliates are:
- Kelsey Corlett-Rivera, Librarian III (Associate Professor), University of Maryland Libraries
- Jason Farman, Associate Professor of American Studies, College of Arts and Humanities
- Katrina Fenlon, Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies
- Matthew Kirschenbaum, Professor of English, College of Arts and Humanities
- Alexis Lothian, Assistant Professor of Women's Studies/LGBT Studies, College of Arts and Humanities
- Matthew Miller, Assistant Professor of Persian Literature and Digital Humanities, College of Arts and Humanities
- Ricardo Punzalan, Assistant Professor of Archives and Digital Curation, College of Information Studies
- Catherine Knight Steele, Assistant Professor of Communication, College of Arts and Humanities
- Daryle Williams, Associate Professor of History, College of Arts and Humanities
Our goal with these affiliate appointments is to make visible the amazing partners and interlocutors who enrich and inform our work as well as to make the contours of our DH community at Maryland more visible overall.
Congratulations to these amazing scholars! We are grateful to have their partnership in the future of MITH.