MITH is currently inviting applications from the University of Maryland's College of Arts & Humanities and from the University Libraries for a MITH Resident Fellowship during the 2010-2011 academic year.

Resident Fellowships offer customized programming and technical support, as well as server space, consultation on project design, project management, software selection, and other crucial components of any digital humanities project. Ideally, faculty MITH fellows will be relieved of teaching responsibilities during the fellowship period (half-time for a year-long residence in MITH) and prospective fellows should apply to their unit, to their Dean, to one of the university's research or instructional improvement support award programs (from RASA, Undergraduate Studies, the Diversity Initiative Faculty Relations Committee, for example), and to outside sources for funds to support course buyouts. Librarians will be relieved of the equivalent of half-time yearly teaching duties and should seek support from the Dean of Libraries and outside funding sources.

Fellowships will be offered to professors and/or librarians developing their research, teaching, and information studies work in ways that implement and productively exploit electronic resources, with preference given to those who have worked especially to integrate their scholarly discoveries and methods into their pedagogy, mentoring, and library practices. Besides working on their proposed project, fellows are expected to present their work in MITH’s Digital Dialogue series and to become active members in the MITH community.

Those interested in applying for a MITH fellowship should contact Neil Fraistat, Director of MITH ( in order to formulate a strategy (for course relief and other support) for a successful MITH residency. Further information about the MITH Resident Fellowship, as well as an application instructions, can be found at

Applications should be submitted to Neil Fraistat at MITH and are due by Monday, May 3; notifications will be made by Wednesday, May 12.