On Monday and Tuesday, October 4 and 5, Prof. Alan Liu (U California, Santa Barbara), one of the world's leading scholars in digital humanities, will be visiting the campus.. On Monday October 4, at 3:30pm, in Ulrich Recital Hall, Tawes, Prof. Liu will give a lecture titled "Rerouting Creativity: New Media Arts after the Ideology of Creativity." This lecture is part of "Be Worldwise," the College of Arts and Humanities Dean's Lecture Series, and is co-sponsored in collaboration with MITH, the Digital Cultures and Creativity Honors Program, and the Center for Literary & Comparative Studies. We have asked Prof. Liu to present a lecture that would appeal to undergraduates, grad students, faculty, alumni, and anyone interested in digital studies. This talk should have wide appeal--please encourage your students to attend. There will be a lavish reception. For more information, see http://www.english.umd.edu/events/1924.
And on Tuesday, October 5, at 2pm, in 2115 Tawes, Prof. Liu will give a second talk for those with more specialized interests in the field, titled "From Reading to Social Computing." Additional information can be found at http://www.english.umd.edu/events/1990.
We encourage you to come to either or both events. Note that there is no Digital Dialogue next week so as to avoid conflict with the seminar.