Originally called The Digital Humanities Winter Institute (DHWI), HILT was inspired by the model pioneered at the Digital Humanities Summer Institute (DHSI). HILT is an intensive digital humanities training institute: a slate of engaging courses…
Documenting the Now (DocNow) responds to the public's use of social media for chronicling historically significant events as well as demand from scholars and archivists seeking a user-friendly means of collecting and preserving digital content. This…
African American History, Culture and Digital Humanities (AADHum) was awarded to the College of Arts and Humanities (ARHU) and is being co-directed by MITH and the Arts and Humanities Center for Synergy (Center for Synergy). The project was funded by…
The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) standard is used by scholars to encode texts of many kinds, from manuscript transcriptions, to historical documents, linguistic corpora, and audio transcripts. For this reason, the vast standard is typically…
The Lakeland Community Heritage Project Digital Archive is a collaboration between the Lakeland Community Heritage Project (LCHP), and partners at the University of Maryland including Dr. Mary Corbin Sies of the Department of American Studies, MITH…
Unlocking the Airwaves: Revitalizing an Early Public and Educational Radio Collection is a multi-institutional collaboration between MITH, the University of Wisconsin-Madison, the Wisconsin Historical Society, University Libraries at the University…
Early Modern Songscapes is a project exploring the circulation and performance of English Renaissance poetry. The recently released beta version of the project’s site includes a digital exploration of Henry Lawes’s 1653 songbook Ayres and Dialogues…
With generous funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, OpenITI AOCP will create a new digital text production pipeline for Persian and Arabic texts. OpenITI AOCP will catalyze the digitization of the Persian and Arabic written traditions by…
Broadcasting Audiovisual Data is an initiative funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities to enhance discoverability of archival radio collections using a linked open data framework. A partnership between MITH and the University of Wisconsin…
Together Umbra Search African American History and the African American History, Culture, and Digital Humanities (AADHum) initiative at the University of Maryland organized a working meeting on digital collections and platforms focused on African…
The Music Encoding Conference is the annual focal point for the Music Encoding Initiative community. The 2018 conference is being hosted by MITH and the Michelle Smith Performing Arts Library between May 22 -- 25. This year's theme "Encoding and…
Led by the Digital Library Federation, Endangered Data Week, February 26 -- March 2, 2018, is an international, collaborative effort, coordinated across campuses, nonprofits, libraries, citizen science initiatives, and cultural heritage institutions…
_Thu, Nov 2, 2017 _
1:30 pm - 4:30 pm
MITH Conference Room
Understanding the contents of institutional and digital collections and their connections to other related material can be daunting. Increasingly researchers, institutions and a broader…
Books.Files: Assessing Digital Assets in the Book Industry for Scholarly Use is a project to assess the potential for the archival collection and scholarly study of digital assets associated with today's trade publishing and bookmaking. Books.Files…
2018 marks the 200th anniversary of the publication of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, a seminal literary work that, since its appearance, has influenced millions of people across the globe. Frankenstein is a rare work of fiction in that it appeals to…
In May 2017, MITH and the African American Digital Humanities Initiative (AADHum) are hosting "Textual Embodiments," the Society for Textual Scholarship's 2017 International Interdisciplinary Conference. The conference theme is "Textual Embodiments…
Popular understanding of the Internet's physical reality has changed dramatically in the past half-decade, with consequences for privacy and security. Drawing on the research in his book, "Tubes: A Journey to the Center of the Internet," Blum will…
Social media platforms enable connection and sharing among friends, family and colleagues, while offering unprecedented opportunities for getting ideas out to much larger audiences. Political events such as the Arab Spring and social movements like…
2016-17 Winnemore Digital Dissertation Fellow Avery Dame spent his fellowship year building the Transgender Usenet Archive, a public archive of posts from targeted Usenet newsgroups which grew in popularity during the 1990's upswing in online…
In January of 2013, the National Endowment of the Humanities (NEH) began a project to digitize all of its early grant records from the 1960's and 1970's. These records were stored on old punch-cards known as McBee edge-notched cards. Their goal was…
With the support of the Getty Foundation and the Samuel H. Kress Foundation, the Department of Art History and Archaeology and the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) of the University of Maryland, College Park, present Art…
Digital music scores have the potential of being flexible, interactive, and dynamic. Raff Viglianti has created two dynamic scores influenced by the weather as a proof-of-concept.
Meteomozart is a dynamic score of Mozart's Piano Sonata No.13 in B…
Citations: The Renaissance Imitation Mass (CRIM) will extend the idea of the quotable text for music in an innovative and open way. The focal point of our inquiry is the so-called "imitation" Mass, a Renaissance musical genre notable for the ways in…
Three esteemed scholars as well as fiction writer Bill Bly will be joining us to celebrate the University of Maryland’s acquisition of Bly’s literary papers, including his computer diskettes and other born-digital materials.
In collaboration with the HathiTrust Research Center (HTRC), MITH will develop a prototype application to facilitate the distributed correction and enhancement of HathiTrust metadata records. This project is part of the HTRC’s Workset Creation for…
Digital Feminisms: Transnational Activism in German Protest Cultures was a fellowship project led by Hester Baer, the 2014-15 Vambery Distinguished Professor of Comparative Studies. Digital Feminisms examined the reconfigurations of feminist activism…
Enhancing Music Notation Addressability (EMA) originates from the idea that music notation, like text, can be "addressed" in new ways in a digital environment, allowing scholars to identify and name structures of various kinds. However, how can one…
The Digital Humanities Incubator is intended to help introduce University of Maryland faculty, staff, and graduate assistants to digital humanities methods and tools through a series of workshops, tutorials, and project consultations. The first phase…
Infinite Ulysses was the 2014-15 Winnemore Digital Dissertation project of Amanda Visconti, who created a participatory digital edition of James Joyce's difficult but rewarding novel Ulysses. This project built on her master's thesis work at the…
The University of Maryland's Center for the History of the New America (CHNA) has partnered with MITH to develop the Transforming the Afro-Caribbean World (TAW) project to bring together scholars of the Panama Canal, Afro-Caribbean history, and…