centerNet is an international network of digital humanities centers formed for cooperative and collaborative action to benefit digital humanities and allied fields in general, and centers as humanities cyberinfrastructure in particular. It developed…
In May of 2007, MITH received the extraordinary gift of Deena Larsen’s personal collection of early-era personal computers and software. Deena is an author and new media visionary who has been active in the creative electronic writing community…
MITH’s Vintage Computers is a website devoted to MITH’s sizable (and growing) collection of vintage computers, retro software, and other artifacts from the early era of personal computing. The centerpiece of the site is a considered metadata and…
Within Project Bamboo, The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH) led Corpora Space, which allows scholars to work at the cutting edge of digital humanities and textual analysis research. In Corpora Space, scholars can discover…
Invitational meeting at the University of Maryland May 14-15, 2010 funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in support of a report, entitled "Computer Forensics and Born-Digital Content in Cultural Heritage Collections," which was published by the…
Performance today holds the mirror up to a diverse and changing world. English speaking performers must have the skill and ability to acquire any accent or dialect (a regional variety of an accent) with the specific lilt, rhythms, intonations and…
Funded by two consecutive grants from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, Project Bamboo is a partnership of ten research universities building shared infrastructure for humanities research. Led by University of California, Berkeley, the project…
Preserving Virtual Worlds II: Methods for Evaluating and Preserving Significant Properties of Educational Games and Complex Interactive Environments (PVW2) was conducted in partnership with the University of Illinois (lead institution), the Rochester…
The Text-Image Linking Environment (TILE) is a web-based tool for creating and editing image-based electronic editions and digital archives of humanities texts.
TILE was awarded an NEH Preservation and Access grant in 2009 to create the next…
The Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities and the Theatre Department at the University of Maryland in College Park worked together in 2009-10 to create CAMP, a Collaborative, Ajax-Based, Modeling Platform. As the name suggests, this…
Digital Humanities 2009—the annual joint meeting of the Association for Computers and the Humanities, the Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing, and the Society for Digital Humanities / Société pour l’étude des médias interactifs—was…
Open Annotation Collaboration (OAC) was a project funded by the Mellon Foundation in three distinct phases between 2009 and 2013. It was primarily led by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, with several other partnerships including MITH…
Theatre Finder is a collaboratively edited, peer reviewed, online database of historic theatre architecture from the Minoan "theatrical areas" on the island of Crete, to the last theatre built before 1815.
Recent scholarship has put increasing…
This thirteenth century prayer book contains erased texts that were written several centuries earlier, including two treatises by Archimedes that can be found nowhere else, The Method and Stomachion. MITH worked with the Walters Art Museum to develop…
The goal of Soweto ’76 is to provide users with virtual access to the history of Soweto, a Black township outside Johannesburg, so that they may experience a significant period in South Africa’s history. Using existing oral histories, testimonies…
Between 2008 and 2010, MITH partnered with the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Stanford University, the Rochester Institute of Technology, and Linden Lab (creators of Second Life) for a project funded by the Library of Congress’s National…
The Shakespeare Quartos Archive (SQA) is a digital collection of pre-1642 editions of William Shakespeare's plays. A cross-Atlantic collaboration has produced an interactive interface for the detailed study of these geographically distant quartos…
Music Theatre Online, based at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities, is a digital archive of texts, images, video, and audio files relating to musical theater. The best printed editions of musical theater texts cannot fully provide…
This project consisted of a series of site visits and planning meetings among personnel working with the born-digital components of three significant collections of literary material: the Salman Rushdie papers at Emory University’s Woodruff Library…
This was a project of Spring 2007 MITH Winnemore Digital Dissertation Fellow Michael Evans. At the time of his fellowship, Michael’s dissertation was entitled “Constitutional Regime Leadership in a World of States,” and involved the use of digital…
This was a Spring 2007 MITH Winnemore Digital Dissertation Fellowship project of Nadja Masura. Her dissertation, “Digital Theatre,” examined the ways that digital technology–such as animation, video, motion capture/sensing, and internet broadcasting…
Digital Diasporas was the first conference of its kind to bring together to discuss on-going projects and also debate the theoretical, methodological, and pedagogical issues raised by the intersection of the fields of Digital Humanities and African…
In 2007, MITH worked with former Associate Director Doug Reside to develop and host an online blog called Musical Theatre Studies. The blog was described as “the online hub for news and discussion relating to the academic study of musical theatre…
Summarized from Scott Rettberg's post on Grand Text Auto
The Electronic Literature Organization’s Future of Electronic Literature Symposium at MITH at the University of Maryland, College Park was an event that brought e-lit writers, scholars, and an…
MONK was a digital environment designed to help humanities scholars discover and analyze patterns in the texts they study. It supported both micro analyses of the verbal texture of an individual text and macro analyses that let you locate texts in…
The Ajax XML Encoder (AXE), developed at the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), revolutionizes the production of electronic editions and digital archives. AXE, the first item in MITH’s proposed toolkit for the digital…
The Our Americas Archive Partnership is a collaboration between MITH’s Early Americas Digital Archive and Rice University’s Americas Archive, Rice’s Humanities Research Center, Rice’s Fondren Library and the library at Instituto Mora in Mexico. Its…
This was a Winnemore Digital Dissertation Fellowship project of Michele Mason in 2006, for which Michele produced a scholarly electronic edition of several key texts by Civil Rights leader Nannie Helen Burroughs, highlighting her influence as a…
Funded by a grant from the NEH, the purpose of this meeting was respond to the ACLS Cyberinfrastructure Commission’s call for digital humanities centers to become key nodes of cyberinfrastructure in the United States. The summit was especially…
Concerned, thematically, with postcolonial cultural formations, and in particular the experience of the African Diaspora, the Saraka and Nation project traces connections between cultures of Africans in the Americas and sites of memory in Africa…