This was the MITH Networked Associate Fellowship project of Ysaye Maria Barnwell, a renowned musician, composer, actress teacher and choral clinician in African American cultural performance. Barnwell’s project aimed to produce a multimedia digital…
The University of Maryland Women’s Studies Database, begun in September 1992, serves those people interested in the women’s studies profession and in general women’s issues. Designed in collaboration with researchers, program administrators and…
Katie King began thinking about feminism and writing technologies while working in the early 80s on her dissertation, which was on academic editorial practices and feminist political practices making these interesting literary objects sometimes…
This was a MITH Fellows Project of American Studies professor Jo Paoletti. The Intercultural Virtual Potluck featured a Virtual University of Maryland South Campus Dining Hall in order to research various aspects of racial, sexual, and ethnic…
This was a project of a group of Networked Associate Fellowships awarded to three English graduate students: Helen L. Hull, Meg F. Pearson, and Erin A. Sadlack. The goal was to construct a significant scholarly online resource for studying John…
The Resource Center for Cyberculture Studies was an online, not-for-profit organization whose purpose was to research, teach, support, and create diverse and dynamic elements of cyberculture. Collaborative in nature, RCCS sought to support ongoing…
In 1985 Samuel Beckett directed “Waiting for Godot”, “Krapp’s Last Tape” and “Endgame” as stage pieces with the San Quentin Players. All three productions were grouped together under the overall title “Beckett Directs Beckett.” As such they toured…
The Dickinson Electronic Archives (DEA) is a website devoted to the study of Emily Dickinson, her writing practices, writings directly influencing her work, and critical and creative writings generated by her work. The DEA is produced by the…
This was one of the first MITH Networked Associate Fellowship projects. Elizabeth Abele, who at that time was a PhD candidate at Temple University, and who worked with MITH to enhance the web version of the Schuylkill Graduate Journal. Created by…