Video Annotator

Developer toolkit for adding annotation to streaming video presentations.

Getting Started

API Reference

Building Your Own Annotation Application

Building your own annotation application is a simple matter of configuring the proper components and adding any application-specific user interface elements. We’ll assume that you are using CoffeeScript in a standalone file that will be compiled to JavaScript and then included in your web page, but everything translates easily to JavaScript.

Getting Started

The first thing you need to do is create a function that will return an instance of your annotation application. The easiest way to do this is to declare a namespace that you will use for all of your MITHgrid-style components:

MITHgrid.globalnamespace 'My.AnnotationApp'

My.AnnotationApp.namespace 'Application', (Application) ->
  # will show up as
  # outside this callback

This does two things. It declares your own namespace that you can use to hold everything else you need in building your application (My.AnnotationApp) and makes it accessible from the JavaScript global namespace (My becomes a global). It also declares a namespace in My.AnnotationApp to hold the application-specific component code separate from any other components you might need in your application. The MITHgrid namespace function takes an optional callback function as its second argument. It will call this function with the namespace, so it’s an easy way to declare functions in the new namespace.

Once we have our namespace, we want to create our application initialization function. Think of this as an object constructor. It assembles all of the methods and data that will be associated with the application.

  Application.initInstance = (args...) ->
    MITHgrid.Application.initInstance "My.AnnotationApp.Application", args..., (that, container) ->
      options = that.options

This way of opening our initializer is a common idiom in MITHgrid style components. We aren’t concerned with any of the information passed in to the initInstance function, so we pass it along to the super-class initializer sandwiched between the name of our class (My.AnnotationApp.Application) and the callback that gives us a configured instance of the super-class that we can modify further. We also get any DOM container that might have been passed in through the function arguments. We pull out the configured options into our own options variable. This will have the options passed in through the arguments as well as any default options that might be set (more on those after we get our application skeleton built).

At this point, if you had an HTML 5 video on a web page (or any video for which you had the proper driver), you could use the following script in your web page and display annotations as the video played.

var annotationApps = {};
OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.onNewPlayer.addListener(function(playerobj) {

  var app = My.AnotationApp.Application.initInstance({
    player: playerobj
  annotationApps[playerobj.getTargetURI()] = app;

The OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.onNewPlayer event fires each time a new video player is detected for which there is a loaded driver. Each time it fires, we create an instance of our annotation application and store it in the annotationApps object so we can get to it later.

N.B.: Only players that are part of the DOM when the driver loads will be detected for now.

If we have some way of loading annotations from a server, then we can import them into our application by passing the RDF/JSON data to the importData method of our application. We can pull out an RDF/JSON representation of the annotations by calling the exportData method.

Adding Mode Buttons

Adding a Shape Type

Showing the Annotation Body

Full Listing

MITHgrid.globalnamespace 'My.AnnotationApp'

My.AnnotationApp.namespace 'Application', (Application) ->
  # will show up as
  # outside this callback
  Application.initInstance = (args...) ->
    MITHgrid.Application.initInstance "My.AnnotationApp.Application", args..., (that, container) ->
      options = that.options

This project is maintained by umd-mith

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