Video Annotator

Developer toolkit for adding annotation to streaming video presentations.

Getting Started

API Reference


Namespace: OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player

Video Annotator doesn’t know anything about how the video player works. Instead, a video player driver provides an interface between the Video Annotator and the specific driver. See the HTML 5 video driver for an example of how a driver is registered with the Video Annotator.

Driver Management


Drivers register themselves with the Video Annotator when they are ready to find players in the document. The registration handler will wait until the document is ready before calling the callbacks to finish driver construction.

The registration function takes a callback function that will be called once the document is ready. A single JavaScript object is passed to the callback. The various methods needed to manage the players should be added as properties of this object.


When a new video player is detected by a driver, the provided callback will be called with the player binding.

Note that the callback will be called for all detected players, not only the players detected after the callback is registered.

This function is useful for attaching Video Annotator instances to video players. For example, in the demo, the application instance is associated with the player binding object and then run:

OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.onNewPlayer(function(playerobj) {

  var app = OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Demo.Application.initInstance({
    player: playerobj


Returns the player driver binding associated with the id. If no id is given, then the binding associated with the first detected video player is returned.

Driver Requirements

Each driver constructed in the callback provided to OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.register must have the following methods.


This function takes no parameters and returns the DOM objects that are suitable for passing to the bindPlayer method. The registration process will attach the driver object to the DOM object’s driver property using the jQuery data method.


This function takes the DOM object returned by getAvailablePlayers and returns a MITHgrid object that has the appropriate methods as outlined in the next section on Driver Binding Requirements.

Driver Binding Requirements

Each driver binding object returned by the bindPlayer driver method must implement the methods outlined in this section. Two events are expected as well: onResize, and onPlayheadUpdate. These event handlers are instantiated automatically if the bindPLayer driver method uses the following CoffeeScript template:

driver.bindPlayer = (domObj) ->
  OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.DriverBinding.initInstance (that) ->
    # implement methods here as properties of `that`
    that.getCoordinates = -> ...

In JavaScript, this would be

driver.bindPlayer = function(domObj) {
  return OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.DriverBinding.initInstance(function(that) {
    // implement methods here as properties of `that`
    that.getCoordinates = function() { ... };


This method returns an array holding the coordinates of the top left corner of the play surface.


This method returns an array holding the width and height of the play surface.


This method returns the nominal URI of the video being shown by the video player.


This method returns the current time position of the video.


This method sets the current time position to the value passed in. Time is measured in seconds.


This method starts the video playing.


This method stops the video playing and holds its position.

This project is maintained by umd-mith

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