Video Annotator

Developer toolkit for adding annotation to streaming video presentations.


Annotation Application

This is the heart of the Video Annotator library. This core application pulls together the major components needed to construct a video annotation client. Functions are provided to manage import and export of annotations in the OA model represented as RDF/JSON. Armed with the data schema outlined in the file, you can add other MITHgrid-based components to visualize the annotations.

OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.namespace "Application", (Application) ->

The first thing we do is set up some private functions to generate unique identifiers. We use these when exporting the annotations since OA requires a number of blank nodes. We also use these to create unique item IDs for the MITHgrid data store.


S4 (private)

Generates a UUID value component. This is not a global uid.

Returns: String with 4 hex digits.

  S4 = -> (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1)

uuid (private)

Generates a UUID

This is not a globally unique value. It could clash with another value, but such a clash is very unlikely.

FIXME: Abstract so that there is a server prefix component that ensures more of a GUID

  uuid = -> (S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4())



  • player - the player driver binding object that provides the standard OAC API for video players

  • url - that target URL for annotations managed by this application instance. If this is not provided, then we look to the player driver binding object to provide this value through its #targetURI method.

  Application.initInstance = (args...) ->

We store the application object in appOb so it's available to the isSelectable callback. Note that this is the same object as the app parameter in the callback provided to the initInstance method.

    appOb = MITHgrid.Application.initInstance "OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Application", args..., {
          isSelectable: -> appOb.getCurrentMode() == "Select"
    }, (app) ->
      shapeTypes = {}
      screenSize = {}
      shapeAnnotationId = 0
      xy = []
      wh = []
      options = app.options

We isolate the player object through a closure so it won't change on us. We expect one application instance per player binding object.

      playerObj = options.player
      options.url ?= playerObj.getTargetURI()
      if playerObj?
        [ screenSize.width, screenSize.height ] = playerObj.getSize()
    (s) ->
          [ screenSize.width, screenSize.height ] = s


Returns the player binding object associated with this application instance.

      app.getPlayer = -> playerObj

We wait until the application is ready before we make the initShapeLens method available. Otherwise, app.presentation.raphsvg won't be defined.

      app.ready ->
        app.initShapeLens = app.presentation.raphsvg.initShapeLens


Returns the type of mode currently set. This can be null or one of the following values:

  • shape: current mode is a shape that can be drawn on the play surface

  • select: application is set to select a shape shown on the play surface

  • video: application is set to allow control of the video instead of editing/creating annotations

      app.getCurrentModeClass = ->
        m = app.getCurrentMode()
        if shapeTypes[m]?
          switch m
            when "Select" then "select"
            when "Watch"  then "video"


Adds a shape type. This includes a lens, and a set of callbacks for creating an item and handling import/export.


  • type - the internal shape name
  • args - an object containing the following properties:
    • calc - an optional callback function for creating data for the new shape being added to the data store
    • lens - the lens rendering function for rendering the shape on the SVG overlay
    • renderAsSVG - callback that will return the SVG fragment representing the shape
    • rootSVGElement - an array of root SVG elements that may represent this shape
    • extractFromSVG - callback that returns the MITHgrid data store information representing the parameters for this shape extracted from the SVG XML document

Returns: Nothing.

      app.addShapeType = (type, args) ->
        app.ready ->
          shapeTypes[type] = args
          app.presentation.raphsvg.addLens(type, args.lens)


Adds a body type. This consists of a set of callbacks for creating an item and handling import/export.


  • type - the internal body type name
  • args - an object containing the following properties:
    • renderAsOA - callback that will construct the Open Annotation body from the item
    • extractFromOA - callback that will construct the item from the Open Annotation body

Returns: Nothing.

      app.addBodyType = (type, args) ->
        bodyTypes[type] = args


Inserts a new annotation into the data store using the passed coordinates. An empty text annotation body is added. The application CurrentMode variable determines the shape. The default time span is 5 seconds on either side of the CurrentTime variable.


  • coords - the coordinates of the center of the shape in the .x, .y, .width, and .height properties. .nptstart and .nptend may be included.


The item id of the inserted annotation item.

      app.insertAnnotation = (coords) ->
        npt_start = if coords.npt_start? then coords.npt_start else parseFloat(app.getCurrentTime()) - 5
        npt_end = if coords.npt_end? then coords.npt_end else parseFloat(app.getCurrentTime()) + 5
        curMode = if coords.shapeType? then coords.shapeType else app.getCurrentMode()

        if shapeTypes[curMode]?
          shape = if shapeTypes[curMode].calc? then shapeTypes[curMode].calc(coords) else {}

FIXME: We should ensure that we don't have clashing IDs. We need to use UUIDs when possible. Using uuid() to generate local UUIDs - not truly a UUID, but close enough for now.

          shapeAnnotationId = uuid()

We do not allow shapes to define any of these properties:

  • id
  • type
  • bodyType
  • bodyContent
  • shapeType
  • targetURI
  • targetHeight
  • targetWidth
  • npt_start
  • npt_end
  • x
  • y
  • w
  • h

x, y, w, h define the bounding box about the shape based on the center and width/height.

           = "_:anno" + shapeAnnotationId
          shape.type         = "Annotation"
          shape.bodyType     = "Text"
          shape.bodyContent  = "This is an annotation for " + curMode
          shape.shapeType    = curMode
          shape.targetURI    = app.options.url
          shape.targetHeight = screenSize.height
          shape.targetWidth  = screenSize.width
          shape.npt_start    = if(npt_start<0) then 0 else npt_start
          shape.npt_end      = npt_end
          shape.x            = coords.x + (coords.width / 2)
          shape.y            = coords.y + (coords.height / 2)
          shape.w            = coords.width
          shape.h            = coords.height

          app.dataStore.canvas.loadItems [shape]


We have a few namespaces we expect. Anything not understood by the import/export routines is ignored.

      NS = 
        OA: ""
        RDF: ""
        CNT: ""
        DC: ""
        DCTERMS: ""
        EXIF: ""

parseNPT (private)

Given a string representing a timing, parse into a float representing seconds.


parseNPT("30") == 30

parseNPT("1:20") == 80 (1 minute, 20 seconds)

parseNPT("1:2:3.4") == 3723.4 (1 hour, 2 minutes, 3.4 seconds)


  • npt - string representing timing

Returns: A float representing the timing in seconds.

      parseNPT = (npt) ->
        if npt.indexOf(':') == -1
          seconds = parseFloat npt
          minutes = 0
          hours = 0
          bits = ((parseFloat b) for b in npt.split(':'))
          seconds = bits.pop()
          if bits.length > 0
            minutes = bits.pop()
            minutes = 0
          if bits.length > 0
            hours = bits.pop()
            hours = 0
        (hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds


Finds annotations targeting the video given the target URI provided in the application configuration or by the player driver binding.


  • data - RDF/JSON representation of OAC annotations

Returns: Nothing.

      app.importData = (data) ->
        tempstore = []
        for i, o of data

We consider items with oa:Annotation as our starting point. Everything else we import must be found by tracing pointers from these items.

          if "#{NS.OA}Annotation" in (t.value for t in o["#{NS.RDF}type"])
            temp = 
              id: i
              type: "Annotation"
              bodyContent: ''
              bodyType: 'Text'
              targetURI: options.url

If the item has a pointer through oa:hasBody, then we follow it and get the cnt:chars value for the bodyContent property for the internal data model.

            if o["#{NS.OA}hasBody"]? and o["#{NS.OA}hasBody"][0]? and data[o["#{NS.OA}hasBody"][0].value]?
              temp.bodyContent = data[o["#{NS.OA}hasBody"][0].value]["#{NS.CNT}chars"][0].value

If the item has a pointer through oa:hasTarget, then we need to check which ones are pointing to our video. N.B.: If the item is not targeting our video, we will not reach the code that inserts the temp object into our MITHgrid data store.

            if o["#{NS.OA}hasTarget"]?
              for hasTarget in (v.value for v in o["#{NS.OA}hasTarget"])
                if data[hasTarget]? and data[hasTarget]["#{NS.OA}hasSource"]?
                  if (options.url in (s.value for s in data[hasTarget]["#{NS.OA}hasSource"]))

For each selector that the target source points to, we see if it's an oax:CompositeSelector. If not, we aren't interested since we want annotations targeting parts of video frames for time spans within the video.

                    for hasSelector in (v.value for v in data[hasTarget]["#{NS.OA}hasSelector"])
                      if data[hasSelector]? and ("#{NS.OA}Composite" in (t.value for t in data[hasSelector]["#{NS.RDF}type"]))
                        for hasSubSelector in (v.value for v in data[hasSelector]["#{NS.OA}item"])
                          if data[hasSubSelector]?

We go ahead and extract the types for this selector because someone might collapse multiple selector types into a single RDF node since oax:SvgSelector and oa:FragSelector don't share properties.

                            types = (t.value for t in data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.RDF}type"])

We expect SVG constraints to be found through oax:SvgSelector nodes.

                            if "#{NS.OA}SvgSelector" in types
                              if data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.CNT}chars"]? and data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.CNT}chars"][0]?
                                svg = data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.CNT}chars"][0].value
                                dom = $.parseXML svg

Based on the root element, we interogate the shape info to see which one wants to handle extracting the extents/etc. from the svg.

                                if dom?
                                  doc = dom.documentElement
                                  rootName = doc.nodeName
                                  for t, info of shapeTypes
                                    if info.extractFromSVG? and rootName in info.rootSVGElement
                                      shapeInfo = info.extractFromSVG doc
                                      if shapeInfo?
                                        $.extend(temp, shapeInfo)
                                        temp.shapeType = t
                                        if data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}width"]? and data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}width"][0]?
                                          temp.targetWidth = parseFloat data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}width"][0].value
                                        if data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}height"]? and data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}height"][0]?
                                          temp.targetHeight = parseFloat data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}height"][0].value

We get timing information from the oa:FragSelector.

                            if "#{NS.OA}FragSelector" in types
                              if data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.RDF}value"]? and data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.RDF}value"][0]?
                                fragment = data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.RDF}value"][0].value
                                fragment = fragment.replace(/^t=npt:/, '')
                                bits = fragment.split(',')
                                temp.npt_start = parseNPT bits[0]
                                temp.npt_end   = parseNPT bits[1] 

We only load an annotation if it has a shape type or a beginning or end time. Otherwise, we're not interested since it doesn't represent anything we know what to do with.

            if temp.npt_start? or temp.npt_end? or temp.shapeType?
              tempstore.push temp

        app.dataStore.canvas.loadItems tempstore


Produces a OAC-based RDF/JSON representation of the annotations in the MITHgrid data store.

Parameters: None.


RDF/JSON that conforms to the OAC data model.

      app.exportData = () ->
        data = {}
        tempstore = {}
        findAnnos = app.dataStore.canvas.prepare ['!type']
        node = (s, pns, p, t, o) ->
          if !tempstore[s]?
            tempstore[s] = {}
          if !tempstore[s][pns+p]?
            tempstore[s][pns+p] = []
            'type': t
            'value': o
        bnode =   (s, pns, p, o) -> node s, pns, p, 'bnode',   o
        uri =     (s, pns, p, o) -> node s, pns, p, 'uri',     o
        literal = (s, pns, p, o) -> node s, pns, p, 'literal', o

genBody (private)

Generates the body oject and adds it to tempstore


  • obj - DataStore item

  • ids - Object holding ids for various parts of the RDF graph:

    • id - annotation resource (required)
    • buid - body resource
    • tuid - target resource
    • suid - selector resource
    • svgid - SvgSelector resource
    • fgid - FragSelector resource
        genBody = (obj, ids) ->

Generating body element

          uri     ids.buid, NS.RDF, "type",   "#{NS.OA}Body"
          literal ids.buid, NS.DC,  "format", "text/plain"
          literal ids.buid, NS.CNT, "characterEncoding", "utf-8"
          literal ids.buid, NS.CNT, "chars",  obj.bodyContent[0]

genTarget (private)

Generates a JSON object representing a target and adds it to tempstore


  • obj - dataStore item

  • ids - Object holding ids for various parts of the RDF graph:

    • id - annotation resource (required)
    • buid - body resource
    • tuid - target resource
    • suid - selector resource
    • svgid - SvgSelector resource
    • fgid - FragSelector resource
        genTarget = (obj, ids) ->

Unique Identifiers for pieces of Target


Generating target element

          uri   ids.tuid, NS.RDF, "type",       "#{NS.OA}SpecificResource"
          uri   ids.tuid, NS.OA,  "hasSource",  obj.targetURI[0]
          bnode ids.tuid, NS.OA,  "hasSelector", ids.suid

Selector element, which points to the SVG constraint and NPT constraint

          uri   ids.suid, NS.RDF, "type",       "#{NS.OA}Composite"
          bnode ids.suid, NS.OA,  "item", ids.svgid
          bnode ids.suid, NS.OA,  "item", ids.fgid
          if obj.shapeType?
            svglens = shapeTypes[obj.shapeType[0]]?.renderAsSVG

          if svglens?

Targets have selectors, which then have svg and npt elements

            uri     ids.svgid, NS.RDF,  "type",              "#{NS.OA}SvgSelector"
            literal ids.svgid, NS.DC,   "format",            "text/svg+xml"
            literal ids.svgid, NS.CNT,  "characterEncoding", "utf-8"
            literal ids.svgid, NS.CNT,  "chars",             svglens(app.dataStore.canvas,[0])
            if obj.targetHeight? and obj.targetHeight[0]?
              literal ids.svgid, NS.EXIF, "height",        obj.targetHeight[0]
              literal ids.svgid, NS.EXIF, "height",        screenSize.height
            if obj.targetWidth? and obj.targetWidth[0]?
              literal ids.svgid, NS.EXIF, "width",         obj.targetWidth[0]
              literal ids.svgid, NS.EXIF, "width",         screenSize.width

This is inserted regardless of the shape type - it's a function of this being a streaming video annotation client

          uri     ids.fgid, NS.RDF, "type",  "#{NS.OA}FragSelector"
          literal ids.fgid, NS.RDF, "value", 't=npt:' + obj.npt_start[0] + ',' + obj.npt_end[0]
          uri     ids.fgid, NS.DCTERMS, "conformsTo", ""

createJSONObjSeries (private)

Creates the necessary series of objects to be inserted into the exported JSON. Only called if there isn't already a RDF:JSON object that was imported with a matching ID


  • ids - Object holding ids for various parts of the RDF graph:
    • id - annotation resource (required)
    • buid - body resource
    • tuid - target resource
    • suid - selector resource
    • svgid - SvgSelector resource
    • fgid - FragSelector resource
        createJSONObjSeries = (ids) ->
          obj = app.dataStore.canvas.getItem
          ids.buid ?= '_:b' + uuid()
          ids.tuid ?= '_:t' + uuid()
          ids.suid ?= '_:sel' + uuid()
          ids.svgid ?= '_:sel' + uuid()
          ids.fgid ?= '_:sel' + uuid()

          uri, NS.RDF, "type",      "#{NS.OA}Annotation"
          bnode, NS.OA,  "hasBody",   ids.buid
          bnode, NS.OA,  "hasTarget", ids.tuid

          genBody obj, ids
          genTarget obj, ids

        mergeData = (id) ->
          obj = app.dataStore.canvas.getItem id

TODO: Rebuild the merging functionality that allows us to correct a prior version of the annotations. For now, mergeData simply exports the data regardless of what's in the data variable.


        for o in findAnnos.evaluate('Annotation')
          mergeData o


Application Configuration

The rest of this prepares the annotation application once it's in the up-and-running process.

We wrap all of this in the app.ready() call so we will have all of the events, presentations, data stores, etc., instantiated for us.

      app.ready ->

We want the SVG overlay and the annotation body presentation to react to changes in the selection focus. app.presentation.raphsvg.eventFocusChange

We always want the current annotation list to include anything that covers a time within five seconds of the current time. (t) ->
          app.dataView.currentAnnotations.setKeyRange(t - 5, t + 5)
          playerObj.setPlayhead t

Making sure that none of the button items are still active while video is playing (Can't draw a shape while video is playing - force user to re-click item)

          if app.getCurrentMode() != "Watch"
            app.setCurrentMode null

        app.setCurrentTime playerObj.getPlayhead() app.setCurrentTime (nmode) ->
          if nmode != 'Watch'
          else if nmode == 'Watch'

We want to populate the available shapes with the rectangle and ellipse. These are considered stock shapes for annotations.

      app.ready ->

Using addShapeType to add Rectangle to the array of possible SVG shapes

        app.addShapeType "Rectangle",

Renders the SVG element representing the rectangle


  • model - the data store or data view holding information abut the item to be rendered

  • itemId - the item ID of the item to be rendered

          renderAsSVG: (model, itemId) ->
            item = model.getItem itemId
            "<rect x='#{item.x[0]}' y='#{item.y[0]}' width='#{item.w[0]}' height='#{item.h[0]}' />"

We are interested in elements. If the SvgConstraint is a element, then the import routine will call the extractFromSVG() function and the imported annotation will have a shapeType of "Rectangle"

          rootSVGElement: ["rect"]
          extractFromSVG: (svg) ->
            info = {}
            info.w = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('width')
            info.h = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('height')
            info.x = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('x')
            info.y = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('y')

Renders the rectangular constraint on the video target.


  • container - the container holding the lens content

  • view - the presentation managing the collection of renderings

  • model - the data store or data view holding information abut the item to be rendered

  • itemId - the item ID of the item to be rendered


The rendering object.

          lens: (container, view, model, itemId) ->

Note: Rectangle measurements x,y start at CENTER Initiate object with super-class methods and variables

            app.initShapeLens container, view, model, itemId, (that) ->
              item = model.getItem itemId

Accessing the view.canvas Object that was created in MITHgrid.Presentation.RaphSVG

              [x, y] = that.scalePoint item.x[0] - (item.w[0] / 2), item.y[0] - (item.h[0] / 2), item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
              [w, h] = that.scalePoint item.w[0], item.h[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
              c = view.canvas.rect(x, y, w, h)

              that.shape = c

fill and set opacity

                fill: "silver"
                border: "grey"

                "pointer-events": "auto"

              selectBinding = app.controller.selectShape.bind c

              superUpdate = that.update
              that.update = (newItem) ->

receiving the Object passed through model.updateItems in move()

                item = newItem
                superUpdate item
                if item.x? and item.y? and item.w? and item.h?
                  [x, y] = that.scalePoint item.x[0], item.y[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
                  [w, h] = that.scalePoint item.w[0], item.h[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
                    x: x - w / 2
                    y: y - h / 2
                    width: w
                    height: h

calculate the extents (x, y, width, height) of this type of shape

              that.getExtents = ->
                x: c.attr("x") + (c.attr("width") / 2)
                y: c.attr("y") + (c.attr("height") / 2)
                width: c.attr("width")
                height: c.attr("height")

        app.addShapeType "Ellipse",

Generates a JSON object containing the measurements for an ellipse object but only using x, y, w, h

Returns: JSON object calc: (coords) -> x: coords.x + (coords.width / 2) y: coords.y + (coords.height / 2) w: coords.width h: coords.height


Renders the SVG element representing the rectangle


  • model - the data store or data view holding information abut the item to be rendered

  • itemId - the item ID of the item to be rendered

          renderAsSVG: (model, itemId) ->
            item = model.getItem itemId
            "<ellipse x='#{item.x[0]}' y='#{item.y[0]}' width='#{item.w[0]}' height='#{item.h[0]}' />"
          rootSVGElement: ["ellipse"]
          extractFromSVG: (svg) ->
            info = {}
            info.w = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('width')
            info.h = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('height')
            info.x = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('x')
            info.y = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('y')

Rendering Lens for the Ellipse SVG shape


  • container - the container holding the lens content

  • view - the presentation managing the collection of renderings

  • model - the data store or data view holding information abut the item to be rendered

  • itemId - the item ID of the item to be rendered


The rendering object.

          lens: (container, view, model, itemId) ->
            app.initShapeLens container, view, model, itemId, (that) ->
              item = model.getItem itemId

create the shape

              [x, y] = that.scalePoint item.x[0], item.y[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
              [w, h] = that.scalePoint item.w[0]/2, item.h[0]/2, item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
              c = view.canvas.ellipse(x, y, w, h)
              that.shape = c

fill shape

                fill: "silver"
                border: "grey"
                "pointer-events": "auto"

              selectBinding = app.controller.selectShape.bind c

              superUpdate = that.update

              that.update = (item) ->

receiving the Object passed through model.updateItems in move()

                superUpdate item

                if item.x? and item.y?
                  [x, y] = that.scalePoint item.x[0], item.y[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
                  [w, h] = that.scalePoint item.w[0], item.h[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
                    cx: x
                    cy: y
                    rx: w / 2
                    ry: h / 2

calculate the extents (x, y, width, height) of this type of shape

              that.getExtents = ->
                x: c.attr("cx")
                y: c.attr("cy")
                width: (c.attr("rx") * 2)
                height: (c.attr("ry") * 2)

        app.setCurrentTime 0

generated Wed May 01 2013 09:37:32 GMT-0400 (EDT)

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