Developer toolkit for adding annotation to streaming video presentations.
application.coffeesrc/ | |
Annotation ApplicationThis is the heart of the Video Annotator library. This core application pulls together the major components needed to construct a video annotation client. Functions are provided to manage import and export of annotations in the OA model represented as RDF/JSON. Armed with the data schema outlined in the file, you can add other MITHgrid-based components to visualize the annotations. | OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.namespace "Application", (Application) -> |
The first thing we do is set up some private functions to generate unique identifiers. We use these when exporting the annotations since OA requires a number of blank nodes. We also use these to create unique item IDs for the MITHgrid data store. | |
S4 (private)Generates a UUID value component. This is not a global uid. Returns: String with 4 hex digits. | S4 = -> (((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000) | 0).toString(16).substring(1) |
uuid (private)Generates a UUID This is not a globally unique value. It could clash with another value, but such a clash is very unlikely. FIXME: Abstract so that there is a server prefix component that ensures more of a GUID | uuid = -> (S4() + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + "-" + S4() + S4() + S4())
Application.initInstance = (args...) -> |
We store the application object in | appOb = MITHgrid.Application.initInstance "OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Application", args..., {
isSelectable: -> appOb.getCurrentMode() == "Select"
}, (app) ->
shapeTypes = {}
screenSize = {}
shapeAnnotationId = 0
xy = []
wh = []
options = app.options
We isolate the player object through a closure so it won't change on us. We expect one application instance per player binding object. | playerObj = options.player
options.url ?= playerObj.getTargetURI()
if playerObj?
[ screenSize.width, screenSize.height ] = playerObj.getSize() (s) ->
[ screenSize.width, screenSize.height ] = s |
#getPlayerReturns the player binding object associated with this application instance. | app.getPlayer = -> playerObj
We wait until the application is ready before we make the initShapeLens method available. Otherwise, app.presentation.raphsvg won't be defined. | app.ready ->
app.initShapeLens = app.presentation.raphsvg.initShapeLens |
#getCurrentModeClassReturns the type of mode currently set. This can be null or one of the following values:
| app.getCurrentModeClass = ->
m = app.getCurrentMode()
if shapeTypes[m]?
switch m
when "Select" then "select"
when "Watch" then "video"
null |
#addShapeTypeAdds a shape type. This includes a lens, and a set of callbacks for creating an item and handling import/export. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | app.addShapeType = (type, args) ->
app.ready ->
shapeTypes[type] = args
app.presentation.raphsvg.addLens(type, args.lens)
#addBodyTypeAdds a body type. This consists of a set of callbacks for creating an item and handling import/export. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | app.addBodyType = (type, args) ->
bodyTypes[type] = args |
#insertAnnotationInserts a new annotation into the data store using the passed coordinates. An empty text annotation body is added. The application CurrentMode variable determines the shape. The default time span is 5 seconds on either side of the CurrentTime variable. Parameters:
Returns: The item id of the inserted annotation item. |
app.insertAnnotation = (coords) ->
npt_start = if coords.npt_start? then coords.npt_start else parseFloat(app.getCurrentTime()) - 5
npt_end = if coords.npt_end? then coords.npt_end else parseFloat(app.getCurrentTime()) + 5
curMode = if coords.shapeType? then coords.shapeType else app.getCurrentMode()
if shapeTypes[curMode]?
shape = if shapeTypes[curMode].calc? then shapeTypes[curMode].calc(coords) else {} |
FIXME: We should ensure that we don't have clashing IDs. We need to use UUIDs when possible. Using uuid() to generate local UUIDs - not truly a UUID, but close enough for now. | shapeAnnotationId = uuid() |
We do not allow shapes to define any of these properties:
x, y, w, h define the bounding box about the shape based on the center and width/height. | = "_:anno" + shapeAnnotationId
shape.type = "Annotation"
shape.bodyType = "Text"
shape.bodyContent = "This is an annotation for " + curMode
shape.shapeType = curMode
shape.targetURI = app.options.url
shape.targetHeight = screenSize.height
shape.targetWidth = screenSize.width
shape.npt_start = if(npt_start<0) then 0 else npt_start
shape.npt_end = npt_end
shape.x = coords.x + (coords.width / 2)
shape.y = coords.y + (coords.height / 2)
shape.w = coords.width
shape.h = coords.height
app.dataStore.canvas.loadItems [shape]
We have a few namespaces we expect. Anything not understood by the import/export routines is ignored. | NS =
OA: ""
RDF: ""
CNT: ""
DC: ""
EXIF: ""
parseNPT (private)Given a string representing a timing, parse into a float representing seconds. Examples: parseNPT("30") == 30 parseNPT("1:20") == 80 (1 minute, 20 seconds) parseNPT("1:2:3.4") == 3723.4 (1 hour, 2 minutes, 3.4 seconds) Parameters:
Returns: A float representing the timing in seconds. | parseNPT = (npt) ->
if npt.indexOf(':') == -1
seconds = parseFloat npt
minutes = 0
hours = 0
bits = ((parseFloat b) for b in npt.split(':'))
seconds = bits.pop()
if bits.length > 0
minutes = bits.pop()
minutes = 0
if bits.length > 0
hours = bits.pop()
hours = 0
(hours * 60 + minutes) * 60 + seconds
#importDataFinds annotations targeting the video given the target URI provided in the application configuration or by the player driver binding. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | app.importData = (data) ->
tempstore = []
for i, o of data |
We consider items with oa:Annotation as our starting point. Everything else we import must be found by tracing pointers from these items. | if "#{NS.OA}Annotation" in (t.value for t in o["#{NS.RDF}type"])
temp =
id: i
type: "Annotation"
bodyContent: ''
bodyType: 'Text'
targetURI: options.url
If the item has a pointer through oa:hasBody, then we follow it and get the cnt:chars value for the bodyContent property for the internal data model. | if o["#{NS.OA}hasBody"]? and o["#{NS.OA}hasBody"][0]? and data[o["#{NS.OA}hasBody"][0].value]?
temp.bodyContent = data[o["#{NS.OA}hasBody"][0].value]["#{NS.CNT}chars"][0].value |
If the item has a pointer through oa:hasTarget, then we need to check which ones are
pointing to our video. N.B.: If the item is not targeting our video, we will not
reach the code that inserts the | if o["#{NS.OA}hasTarget"]?
for hasTarget in (v.value for v in o["#{NS.OA}hasTarget"])
if data[hasTarget]? and data[hasTarget]["#{NS.OA}hasSource"]?
if (options.url in (s.value for s in data[hasTarget]["#{NS.OA}hasSource"])) |
For each selector that the target source points to, we see if it's an oax:CompositeSelector. If not, we aren't interested since we want annotations targeting parts of video frames for time spans within the video. | for hasSelector in (v.value for v in data[hasTarget]["#{NS.OA}hasSelector"])
if data[hasSelector]? and ("#{NS.OA}Composite" in (t.value for t in data[hasSelector]["#{NS.RDF}type"]))
for hasSubSelector in (v.value for v in data[hasSelector]["#{NS.OA}item"])
if data[hasSubSelector]? |
We go ahead and extract the types for this selector because someone might collapse multiple selector types into a single RDF node since oax:SvgSelector and oa:FragSelector don't share properties. | types = (t.value for t in data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.RDF}type"]) |
We expect SVG constraints to be found through oax:SvgSelector nodes. | if "#{NS.OA}SvgSelector" in types
if data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.CNT}chars"]? and data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.CNT}chars"][0]?
svg = data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.CNT}chars"][0].value
dom = $.parseXML svg |
Based on the root element, we interogate the shape info to see which one wants to handle extracting the extents/etc. from the svg. | if dom?
doc = dom.documentElement
rootName = doc.nodeName
for t, info of shapeTypes
if info.extractFromSVG? and rootName in info.rootSVGElement
shapeInfo = info.extractFromSVG doc
if shapeInfo?
$.extend(temp, shapeInfo)
temp.shapeType = t
if data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}width"]? and data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}width"][0]?
temp.targetWidth = parseFloat data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}width"][0].value
if data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}height"]? and data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}height"][0]?
temp.targetHeight = parseFloat data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.EXIF}height"][0].value
We get timing information from the oa:FragSelector. | if "#{NS.OA}FragSelector" in types
if data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.RDF}value"]? and data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.RDF}value"][0]?
fragment = data[hasSubSelector]["#{NS.RDF}value"][0].value
fragment = fragment.replace(/^t=npt:/, '')
bits = fragment.split(',')
temp.npt_start = parseNPT bits[0]
temp.npt_end = parseNPT bits[1] |
We only load an annotation if it has a shape type or a beginning or end time. Otherwise, we're not interested since it doesn't represent anything we know what to do with. | if temp.npt_start? or temp.npt_end? or temp.shapeType?
tempstore.push temp
app.dataStore.canvas.loadItems tempstore |
exportDataProduces a OAC-based RDF/JSON representation of the annotations in the MITHgrid data store. Parameters: None. Returns: RDF/JSON that conforms to the OAC data model. | app.exportData = () ->
data = {}
tempstore = {}
findAnnos = app.dataStore.canvas.prepare ['!type']
node = (s, pns, p, t, o) ->
if !tempstore[s]?
tempstore[s] = {}
if !tempstore[s][pns+p]?
tempstore[s][pns+p] = []
'type': t
'value': o
bnode = (s, pns, p, o) -> node s, pns, p, 'bnode', o
uri = (s, pns, p, o) -> node s, pns, p, 'uri', o
literal = (s, pns, p, o) -> node s, pns, p, 'literal', o |
genBody (private)Generates the body oject and adds it to tempstore Parameters:
| genBody = (obj, ids) -> |
Generating body element | uri ids.buid, NS.RDF, "type", "#{NS.OA}Body"
literal ids.buid, NS.DC, "format", "text/plain"
literal ids.buid, NS.CNT, "characterEncoding", "utf-8"
literal ids.buid, NS.CNT, "chars", obj.bodyContent[0] |
genTarget (private)Generates a JSON object representing a target and adds it to tempstore Parameters
| genTarget = (obj, ids) -> |
Unique Identifiers for pieces of Target | |
Generating target element | uri ids.tuid, NS.RDF, "type", "#{NS.OA}SpecificResource"
uri ids.tuid, NS.OA, "hasSource", obj.targetURI[0]
bnode ids.tuid, NS.OA, "hasSelector", ids.suid |
Selector element, which points to the SVG constraint and NPT constraint | uri ids.suid, NS.RDF, "type", "#{NS.OA}Composite"
bnode ids.suid, NS.OA, "item", ids.svgid
bnode ids.suid, NS.OA, "item", ids.fgid
if obj.shapeType?
svglens = shapeTypes[obj.shapeType[0]]?.renderAsSVG
if svglens? |
Targets have selectors, which then have svg and npt elements | uri ids.svgid, NS.RDF, "type", "#{NS.OA}SvgSelector"
literal ids.svgid, NS.DC, "format", "text/svg+xml"
literal ids.svgid, NS.CNT, "characterEncoding", "utf-8"
literal ids.svgid, NS.CNT, "chars", svglens(app.dataStore.canvas,[0])
if obj.targetHeight? and obj.targetHeight[0]?
literal ids.svgid, NS.EXIF, "height", obj.targetHeight[0]
literal ids.svgid, NS.EXIF, "height", screenSize.height
if obj.targetWidth? and obj.targetWidth[0]?
literal ids.svgid, NS.EXIF, "width", obj.targetWidth[0]
literal ids.svgid, NS.EXIF, "width", screenSize.width
This is inserted regardless of the shape type - it's a function of this being a streaming video annotation client | uri ids.fgid, NS.RDF, "type", "#{NS.OA}FragSelector"
literal ids.fgid, NS.RDF, "value", 't=npt:' + obj.npt_start[0] + ',' + obj.npt_end[0]
uri ids.fgid, NS.DCTERMS, "conformsTo", "" |
createJSONObjSeries (private)Creates the necessary series of objects to be inserted into the exported JSON. Only called if there isn't already a RDF:JSON object that was imported with a matching ID Parameters:
| createJSONObjSeries = (ids) ->
obj = app.dataStore.canvas.getItem
ids.buid ?= '_:b' + uuid()
ids.tuid ?= '_:t' + uuid()
ids.suid ?= '_:sel' + uuid()
ids.svgid ?= '_:sel' + uuid()
ids.fgid ?= '_:sel' + uuid()
uri, NS.RDF, "type", "#{NS.OA}Annotation"
bnode, NS.OA, "hasBody", ids.buid
bnode, NS.OA, "hasTarget", ids.tuid
genBody obj, ids
genTarget obj, ids
mergeData = (id) ->
obj = app.dataStore.canvas.getItem id
TODO: Rebuild the merging functionality that allows us to correct a prior version of the annotations. For now, mergeData simply exports the data regardless of what's in the data variable. | createJSONObjSeries
for o in findAnnos.evaluate('Annotation')
mergeData o
tempstore |
Application ConfigurationThe rest of this prepares the annotation application once it's in the up-and-running process. We wrap all of this in the app.ready() call so we will have all of the events, presentations, data stores, etc., instantiated for us. | app.ready -> |
We want the SVG overlay and the annotation body presentation to react to changes in the selection focus. | app.presentation.raphsvg.eventFocusChange |
We always want the current annotation list to include anything that covers a time within five seconds of the current time. | (t) ->
app.dataView.currentAnnotations.setKeyRange(t - 5, t + 5)
playerObj.setPlayhead t |
Making sure that none of the button items are still active while video is playing (Can't draw a shape while video is playing - force user to re-click item) | if app.getCurrentMode() != "Watch"
app.setCurrentMode null
app.setCurrentTime playerObj.getPlayhead() app.setCurrentTime (nmode) ->
if nmode != 'Watch'
else if nmode == 'Watch' |
We want to populate the available shapes with the rectangle and ellipse. These are considered stock shapes for annotations. | app.ready -> |
Using addShapeType to add Rectangle to the array of possible SVG shapes | app.addShapeType "Rectangle", |
Renders the SVG Parameters:
| renderAsSVG: (model, itemId) ->
item = model.getItem itemId
"<rect x='#{item.x[0]}' y='#{item.y[0]}' width='#{item.w[0]}' height='#{item.h[0]}' />" |
We are interested in | rootSVGElement: ["rect"]
extractFromSVG: (svg) ->
info = {}
info.w = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('width')
info.h = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('height')
info.x = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('x')
info.y = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('y')
Renders the rectangular constraint on the video target. Parameters:
Returns: The rendering object. | lens: (container, view, model, itemId) -> |
Note: Rectangle measurements x,y start at CENTER Initiate object with super-class methods and variables | app.initShapeLens container, view, model, itemId, (that) ->
item = model.getItem itemId |
Accessing the view.canvas Object that was created in MITHgrid.Presentation.RaphSVG | [x, y] = that.scalePoint item.x[0] - (item.w[0] / 2), item.y[0] - (item.h[0] / 2), item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
[w, h] = that.scalePoint item.w[0], item.h[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
c = view.canvas.rect(x, y, w, h)
that.shape = c |
fill and set opacity | c.attr
fill: "silver"
border: "grey"
"pointer-events": "auto"
selectBinding = app.controller.selectShape.bind c ->
superUpdate = that.update
that.update = (newItem) -> |
receiving the Object passed through model.updateItems in move() | item = newItem
superUpdate item
if item.x? and item.y? and item.w? and item.h?
[x, y] = that.scalePoint item.x[0], item.y[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
[w, h] = that.scalePoint item.w[0], item.h[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
x: x - w / 2
y: y - h / 2
width: w
height: h |
calculate the extents (x, y, width, height) of this type of shape | that.getExtents = ->
x: c.attr("x") + (c.attr("width") / 2)
y: c.attr("y") + (c.attr("height") / 2)
width: c.attr("width")
height: c.attr("height")
app.addShapeType "Ellipse", |
Generates a JSON object containing the measurements for an ellipse object but only using x, y, w, h Returns: JSON object calc: (coords) -> x: coords.x + (coords.width / 2) y: coords.y + (coords.height / 2) w: coords.width h: coords.height | |
Renders the SVG Parameters:
| renderAsSVG: (model, itemId) ->
item = model.getItem itemId
"<ellipse x='#{item.x[0]}' y='#{item.y[0]}' width='#{item.w[0]}' height='#{item.h[0]}' />"
rootSVGElement: ["ellipse"]
extractFromSVG: (svg) ->
info = {}
info.w = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('width')
info.h = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('height')
info.x = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('x')
info.y = parseFloat svg.getAttribute('y')
info |
Rendering Lens for the Ellipse SVG shape Parameters:
Returns: The rendering object. | lens: (container, view, model, itemId) ->
app.initShapeLens container, view, model, itemId, (that) ->
item = model.getItem itemId |
create the shape | [x, y] = that.scalePoint item.x[0], item.y[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
[w, h] = that.scalePoint item.w[0]/2, item.h[0]/2, item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
c = view.canvas.ellipse(x, y, w, h)
that.shape = c |
fill shape | c.attr
fill: "silver"
border: "grey"
"pointer-events": "auto"
selectBinding = app.controller.selectShape.bind c ->
superUpdate = that.update
that.update = (item) -> |
receiving the Object passed through model.updateItems in move() | superUpdate item
if item.x? and item.y?
[x, y] = that.scalePoint item.x[0], item.y[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
[w, h] = that.scalePoint item.w[0], item.h[0], item.targetWidth, item.targetHeight
cx: x
cy: y
rx: w / 2
ry: h / 2
calculate the extents (x, y, width, height) of this type of shape | that.getExtents = ->
x: c.attr("cx")
y: c.attr("cy")
width: (c.attr("rx") * 2)
height: (c.attr("ry") * 2)
app.setCurrentTime 0
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