Video Annotator

Developer toolkit for adding annotation to streaming video presentations.




Presentation that extends SimpleText in order to add new functionality for Annotation HTML lens

OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.namespace "Presentation", (Presentation) ->
  Presentation.namespace "AnnotationList", (AnnotationList) ->
    AnnotationList.initInstance = (args...) ->
      MITHgrid.Presentation.initInstance "OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Presentation.AnnotationList", args..., (that, container) ->
        options = that.options
        app = options.application()


Initializes a basic text lens.


  • container - the container holding the lens content
  • view - the presentation managing the collection of renderings
  • model - the data store or data view holding information abut the item to be rendered
  • itemId - the item ID of the item to be rendered


The basic lens object.

        that.initTextLens = (container, view, model, itemId, cb) ->
          lens = {}
          item = model.getItem itemId

We put together a template representing the text annotations associated with any shape.

          itemEl = $("""
            <div class="annotation-body">
              <div class="annotation-body-text">
                <div class="body-content">

We capture the parts of the annotation presentation for use later.

          bodyContent = $(itemEl).find ".body-content"

          $(bodyContent).text item.bodyContent[0]

We attach the rendering to the container and hide the edit area.

          lens.el = itemEl
          $(container).append itemEl

We then construct the following methods:


Called when this rendering receives the selection focus. The default implementation adds the .selected CSS class.

          lens.eventFocus = -> itemEl.addClass 'selected'


Called when this rendering loses the selection focus. The default implementation removes the .selected CSS class.

          lens.eventUnfocus = -> itemEl.removeClass 'selected'


Called when the text annotation body is updated. This will update the data store with the new body.

The rendering is update if and only if the id passed in matches the id of the rendered item.


  • id - the item ID of the item to be updated
  • data - the object holding the current data associated with the item ID

Returns: Nothing.

          lens.eventUpdate = (data) ->
            model.updateItems [
              id: itemId
              bodyContent: data


Called when the data item represented by this rendering is to be deleted. The default implementation passes the deletion request to the data store with the item ID represented by the rendering.

The data item is removed if and only if the id passed in matches the id of the rendered item.


  • id - the item ID of the item to be deleted

Returns: Nothing.

          lens.eventDelete = ->
            model.removeItems [itemId]


Called when the underlying data represented by the rendering changes. The rendering is updated to reflect the item data.

The rendering is update if and only if the id passed in matches the id of the rendered item.


  • data - the object holding the current data associated with the item ID

Returns: Nothing.

          lens.update = (item) ->
            $(bodyContent).text item.bodyContent[0]


Called to remove the rendering from the presentation.

          lens.remove = -> $(itemEl).remove()

          if cb?
            cb lens



Presentation for the Canvas area - area that the Raphael canvas is drawn on

  Presentation.namespace "RaphaelCanvas", (RaphaelCanvas) ->
    counter = 1
    RaphaelCanvas.initInstance = (args...) ->
      MITHgrid.Presentation.initInstance "OAC.StreamingVideo.Client.Presentation.RaphaelCanvas", args..., (that, container) ->
        if !container?
          id = "oac-raphael-presentation-canvas-#{counter}"
          counter += 1
          container = $("<div id='#{id}'></div>")
          id = $(container).attr('id')
          if !id?
            id = "oac-raphael-presentation-canvas-#{counter}"
            counter += 1
              id: id
        options = that.options
        app = options.application()
        screenSize =
          width: 0
          height: 0

Setting up local names for the assigned presentation controllers

        canvasController = options.controllers.canvas

        that.canvas = new Raphael($(container), 10, 10)

          "pointer-events": "none"

attach binding FIXME: We need to change this. If we have multiple videos on a page, this will break.

        canvasBinding = canvasController.bind $(container),
          closeEnough: 5
          paper: that.canvas
        boundingBoxComponent = OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Component.ShapeEditBox.initInstance that.canvas
        shapeCreateBoxComponent = OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Component.ShapeCreateBox.initInstance that.canvas (pos) ->
          activeRendering = that.getFocusedRendering()
          if activeRendering? and activeRendering.eventResize?
            activeRendering.eventResize(pos) (pos) ->
          activeRendering = that.getFocusedRendering()
          if activeRendering? and activeRendering.eventMove?
            activeRendering.eventMove(pos) ->
          activeRendering = that.getFocusedRendering()
          if activeRendering? and activeRendering.eventDelete?
            boundingBoxComponent.detachFromRendering() (newMode) ->
          if app.getCurrentModeClass() == "select"
            activeRendering = that.getFocusedRendering()
            if activeRendering?
              boundingBoxComponent.attachToRendering activeRendering

Adjusts the canvas area, canvas wrapper to fall directly over the player area

        playerObj = app.getPlayer()
        updateLocation = ->

the following elements should be parts of this presentation

          if playerObj?
            [x, y] = playerObj.getCoordinates()
            [w, h] = playerObj.getSize()
            screenSize =
              width: w
              height: h

              left: x + 'px'
              top: y + 'px'
            that.canvas.setSize w, h updateLocation
        if playerObj?

to make sure we get things set up right

Registering canvas special events for start, drag, stop shapeCreateBoxComponent.createGuide  shapeCreateBoxComponent.resizeGuide (coords) ->

Adjust x,y in order to fit data store model

          shape = shapeCreateBoxComponent.completeShape coords
          if shape.height > 1 and shape.width > 1
            shape.shapeType = app.getCurrentMode()
            app.insertAnnotation shape (npt) ->
          that.visitRenderings (id, rendering) ->
            if rendering.eventCurrentTimeChange?
              rendering.eventCurrentTimeChange npt (te) ->
          that.visitRenderings (id, rendering) ->
            if rendering.eventTimeEasementChange?
              rendering.eventTimeEasementChange te

        superEventFocusChange = that.eventFocusChange

        that.eventFocusChange = (id) ->
          superEventFocusChange id
          if app.getCurrentMode() == 'Select'
            boundingBoxComponent.attachToRendering that.getFocusedRendering()
            if canvasBinding?


Initializes a basic shape lens. The default methods expect the Raphaƫl SVG shape object to be held in the .shape property.


  • container - the container holding the lens content
  • view - the presentation managing the collection of renderings
  • model - the data store or data view holding information about the item to be rendered
  • itemId - the item ID of the item to be rendered


The basic lens object with the following methods defined:

        that.initShapeLens = (container, view, model, itemId, cb) ->
          lens =
            id: itemId
          item = model.getItem itemId

          focused = false
          start = item.npt_start[0]
          end = item.npt_end[0]
          fstart = start - app.getTimeEasement()
          fend = end + app.getTimeEasement()

#calcOpacity (private)

Calculate the opacity of the annotation shape rendering over the video.


  • n - the current time of the play head
          calcOpacity = (n) ->
            val = 0.0

            if n >= fstart and n < fend
              e = app.getTimeEasement()
              if e > 0
                if n < start

fading in

                  val = (e - start + n) / e
                else if n > end

fading out

                  val = (e + end - n) / e
                  val = 1.0
                val = 1.0

          lens.scalePoint = (x, y, w, h) ->
            if w? and w[0]?
              w = w[0]
              w = screenSize.width
            if h? and h[0]?
              h = h[0]
              h = screenSize.height

            if w == 0 or h == 0
              [x, y]
              [ x * screenSize.width / w, y * screenSize.height / h ]

eventTimeEasementChange (private)

Handles event calls for when the user wants to see the annotation at a specific interval. By default, annotations are in view for the time period of the item being annotated. They are 'eased in', or fade in and out depending on the Easement variable, which is set here.


  • v: when the annotation should be in view
          lens.eventTimeEasementChange = (v) ->
            fstart = start - v
            fend = end + v

            lens.setOpacity calcOpacity(app.getCurrentTime())

eventCurrentTimeChange (private)

Handles when application advances the time


  • n: current time of the video player
          lens.eventCurrentTimeChange = (n) ->
            lens.setOpacity calcOpacity(n)

          opacity = 0.0


Sets the opacity for the SVG shape. This is moderated by the renderings focus. If in focus, then the full opacity is set. Otherwise, it is halved.

If no value is given, then the shape's opacity is updated to reflect the currently set opacity and focus state.


  • o - opacity when in focus

Returns: Nothing.

          lens.setOpacity = (o) ->
            if o?
              opacity = o

            if lens.shape?
                opacity: (if focused then 0.5 else 0.25) * opacity

          lens.getOpacity = -> opacity

          lens.setOpacity(calcOpacity app.getCurrentTime())


Called when this rendering receives the selection focus. The default implementation brings the rendering to the front and makes it opaque.

          lens.eventFocus = ->
            focused = true
            if lens.shape?


Called when this rendering loses the selection focus. The default implementation pushes the rendering to the back and makes it semi-transparent.

          lens.eventUnfocus = ->
            focused = false
            if lens.shape?


Called when the data item represented by this rendering is to be deleted. The default implementation passes the deletion request to the data store with the item ID represented by the rendering.

Parameters: None.

Returns: Nothing.

          lens.eventDelete = -> model.removeItems [itemId]


Called when the bounding box of the rendering changes size. Note that we change the width and height of the targeted video to correspond to the current size of the play surface.


  • pos - object containing the .width and .height properties

Returns: Nothing.

          lens.eventResize = (pos) ->
            model.updateItems [
              id: itemId
              x: pos.x
              y: pos.y
              w: pos.width
              h: pos.height
              targetWidth: screenSize.width
              targetHeight: screenSize.height


Called when the bounding box of the rendering is moved.


  • pos - object containing the .x and .y properties

Returns: Nothing.

          lens.eventMove = (pos) ->
            model.updateItems [
              id: itemId
              x: pos.x
              y: pos.y


Updates the rendering's opacity based on the current time and the time extent of the annotation.

          lens.update = (item) ->
            if item.npt_start[0] != start or item.npt_end[0] != end
              start = item.npt_start[0]
              end = item.npt_end[0]
              fstart = start - app.getTimeEasement()
              fend = end + app.getTimeEasement()
              lens.setOpacity calcOpacity(app.getCurrentTime())


Called to remove the rendering from the presentation.

          lens.remove = (item) ->
            if lens.shape?
              lens.shape = null
            if app.getActiveAnnotation() == itemId
              app.setActiveAnnotation null

          if cb?
            cb lens

End of Presentation constructors

generated Wed May 01 2013 09:37:33 GMT-0400 (EDT)

This project is maintained by umd-mith

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