Developer toolkit for adding annotation to streaming video presentations.
dummy.coffeesrc/drivers/ | |
Dummy Player DriverThis driver provides a dummy player object and driver for development purposes. As soon as the player driver is comfortable, it can register itself with the Video Annotator framework by calling the OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.register function with a callback. The register function will call this callback with a plain JavaScript object that should be filled in with the following properties: | OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.register 'Dummy', (driver) -> |
getAvailablePlayersReturns all player DOM objects available on the page, that can be controlled with this driver. All of the DOM objects will be passed individually to the #bindPlayer method. The returned binding objects will be passed to any callbacks passed to OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.onNewPlayer(). | driver.getAvailablePlayers = ->
index = 0
for p in $('.dummyplayer')
player = $(p).data 'player'
if not player?
player = initDummyPlayer p, index
$(p).data 'player', player
index += 1
getOACVersionReturns the version number of the API the player driver is implementing. "1.0" is the only option for now. | driver.getOACVersion = -> "1.0" |
bindPlayerTakes the DOM object and binds it to a JavaScript object that provides the OAC player API. The binding is then used by the Video Annotator to manage the player. | driver.bindPlayer = (playerObj) -> |
OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.DriverBinding is the MITHgrid super class for driver bindings. | OAC.Client.StreamingVideo.Player.DriverBinding.initInstance (that) -> |
We begin by binding appropriate events in the DOM object to the event firers in the driver binding object. | |
We fire the onPlayheadUpdate event when the player fires the onplayheadupdate event. | playerObj.onplayheadupdate -> that.getPlayhead()
Player Driver APIThe following methods are expected for the player driver binding. | |
getCoordinatesReturns the current player coordinates (left, top) on screen. | that.getCoordinates = -> (parseInt(c, 10) for c in playerObj.getcoordinates()) |
getSizeReturns the video size (width, height) of current player. | that.getSize = -> (parseInt(s, 10) for s in playerObj.getsize()) |
getTargetURIReturns the targetURI that should be used in an OAC annotation. This should represent the video being played by the player. | that.getTargetURI = playerObj.getTargetURI
playStarts playing the video. | = |
pauseStops playing the video. | that.pause = playerObj.pause |
getPlayheadReturns the current play head position | that.getPlayhead = playerObj.getplayhead |
setPlayheadSets the play head value to a certain position. Parameters:
| that.setPlayhead = playerObj.setplayhead
initDummyPlayer = (DOMObject, index) ->
that = {}
that.getTargetURI = -> $(DOMObject).data('oatarget')
that.startDummyPlayer = ->
window.setTimeout that.secondIntervalUpdate, 1000
that.setAspect = ->
$(DOMObject).css 'background', 'url("dummyplayer/images/dummy.png") no-repeat scroll right bottom #F8C700'
$(DOMObject).css 'border', '1px solid darkBlue'
that.setContent = ->
player = "$('#player-content-#{index}').parents('.dummyplayer').data('player')"
$(DOMObject).append """
<ul id="player-content-#{index}" style="list-style-type: none; padding: 0;">
<li style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold; text-decoration: underline;">Dummy Player ##{index+1}</li>
<li style="text-align: center;">Status: <span class="dummy-status">Paused</span></li>
<li style="text-align: center;">Position: <span class="dummy-position">0</span> seconds</li>
<!-- li style="text-align: center;">
<ul style="list-style-type: none; padding: 0;">
<li style="margin: 0 8px; display: inline;">
<a onClick="#{player}.rewind(5)"><img src="dummyplayer/images/rewind.png" /></a>
<li style="margin: 0 8px; display: inline;">
<a onClick="#{player}.toggle()"><img src="dummyplayer/images/playpause.png" /></a>
<li style="margin: 0 8px; display: inline;">
<a onClick="#{player}.forward(5)"><img src="dummyplayer/images/forward.png" /></a>
</li -->
that.secondIntervalUpdate = ->
window.setTimeout that.secondIntervalUpdate, 1000
if $(DOMObject).find(".dummy-status").html() == "Playing"
that.forward 1
that.toggle = ->
if $(DOMObject).find(".dummy-status").html() == "Playing"
that.pause = ->
$(DOMObject).find(".dummy-status").html("Paused") = ->
that.rewind = (value) ->
that.setplayhead(that.getplayhead() - parseInt(value, 10))
that.forward = (value) ->
that.setplayhead(that.getplayhead() + parseInt(value, 10))
that.setplayhead = (value) ->
value = parseInt(value, 10)
if value < 0
value = 0
$(DOMObject).trigger 'timeupdate'
that.getplayhead = () ->
parseInt $(DOMObject).find(".dummy-position").html(), 10
that.getsize = ->
retval = []
retval.push parseInt $("#player-content-#{index}").parents('.dummyplayer').css("width"), 10
retval.push parseInt $("#player-content-#{index}").parents('.dummyplayer').css("height"), 10
that.getcoordinates = ->
retval = []
retval.push $("#player-content-#{index}").parents('.dummyplayer').position().top
retval.push $("#player-content-#{index}").parents('.dummyplayer').position().left
that.onplayheadupdate = (callback) ->
$(DOMObject).bind 'timeupdate', callback
This project is maintained by umd-mith
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