
JavaScript framework for building data-oriented, event-driven browser applications.




Initializes an application instance.

MITHgrid.namespace 'Application', (Application) ->
  Application.initInstance = (args...) ->   
    MITHgrid.initInstance "MITHgrid.Application", args..., (that, container) ->
      onReady = []
      thatFn = -> that
      that.presentation = {}
      that.facet = {}
      that.component = {}
      that.dataStore = {}
      that.dataView = {}
      that.controller = {}
      options = that.options
      that.ready = (fn) -> onReady.push fn


Finishes configuring the application by running all queued or pending functions registered through the #ready() method. The #ready() method will be redefined to run functions after the current thread finishes. = () ->
        $(document).ready () ->
          that.ready = (fn) -> fn()
          fn() for fn in onReady            
          onReady = []


Adds a data store to the application.


  • storeName - name for the data store

  • config - object holding configuration options

Returns: Nothing.

      that.addDataStore = (storeName, config) ->

The data store automatically has an "Item" type and the "type" and "id" properties.

        if !that.dataStore[storeName]?
          store = MITHgrid.Data.Store.initInstance()
          that.dataStore[storeName] = store
          store.addType 'Item'
          store.addProperty 'type',
            valueType: 'text'
          store.addProperty 'id',
            valueType: 'text'
          store = that.dataStore[storeName]


  • types - object having the types as keys. Types do not have configurations yet.
        if config?.types?
          store.addType type for type, typeInfo of config.types
  • properties - object having the properties as keys. Properties have the following options:
    • valueType - the type of value associated with the property. Value types should be one of the following:
      • text - plain text strings (default)
      • item - the id of an item in the data store
      • numeric - an integer or floating point number
      • date -
      • url -
        if config?.properties?
          store.addProperty prop, propOptions for prop, propOptions of


Adds a data view to the application.


  • viewName - name for the data view

  • viewConfig - object holding configuration options

Returns: Nothing.


  • type - the namespace holding the #initInstance function for the particular data view type for this data view. Defaults to MITHgrid.Data.View.

  • dataStore - the name of the already configured data store.

See the documentation for the particular data view type for other configuration options.

      that.addDataView = (viewName, viewConfig) ->
        if viewConfig.type? and viewConfig.type.initInstance?
          initFn = viewConfig.type.initInstance
          initFn = MITHgrid.Data.View.initInstance
        viewOptions =
          dataStore: that.dataStore[viewConfig.dataStore] || that.dataView[viewConfig.dataStore]
        if !that.dataView[viewName]?
          for k,v of viewConfig
            if k != "type" && !viewOptions[k]
              viewOptions[k] = v
          view = initFn viewOptions
          that.dataView[viewName] = view


Adds a controller to the application.


  • cName - name for the controller

  • cconfig - object holding configuration options

Returns: Nothing.

      that.addController = (cName, cconfig) ->
        coptions = $.extend(true, {}, cconfig)

        coptions.application = thatFn
        controller = cconfig.type.initInstance coptions
        that.controller[cName] = controller


Adds a facet to the application.


  • fName - name of the facet

  • fconfig - object holding configuration options

Returns: Nothing.

      that.addFacet = (fName, fconfig) ->
        foptions = $.extend(true, {}, fconfig)
        that.ready () ->
          fcontainer = $(container).find(fconfig.container)
          fcontainer = fcontainer[0] if $.isArray(fcontainer)
          foptions.dataView = that.dataView[fconfig.dataView]
          foptions.application = thatFn
          facet = fconfig.type.initInstance fcontainer, foptions
          that.facet[fName] = facet


Adds a component to the application. Components tie together renderings with controllers, but do not base their DOM content on data. Components are good for things like bounding boxes used by a presentation, menus, or other UI elements that might be considered chrome.


  • cName - name of the component

  • cconfig - object holding configuration options

Returns: Nothing.

      that.addComponent = (cName, pconfig) ->
        coptions = $.extend(true, {}, cconfig)
        that.ready () ->
          ccontainer = $(container).find(coptions.container)
          ccontainer = ccontainer[0] if $.isArray(ccontainer)
          coptions.application = thatFn
          if cconfig.components?
            coptions.components = {}
            for ccName, cconfig of cconfig.components
              if typeof cconfig == "string"
                coptions.components[ccName] = that.component[ccName]
                ccoptions = $.extend(true, {}, ccconfig)
                ccoptions.application = thatFn
                coptions.components[ccName] = cconfig.type.initInstance ccoptions
          if cconfig.controllers?
            coptions.controllers = {}
            for ccName, cconfig of pconfig.controllers
              if typeof cconfig == "string"
                coptions.controllers[ccName] = that.controller[ccName]
                ccoptions = $.extend(true, {}, ccconfig)
                ccoptions.application = thatFn
                coptions.controllers[ccName] = cconfig.type.initInstance ccoptions

          that.component[cName] = cconfig.type.initInstance ccontainer, coptions


Adds a presentation to the application.


  • pName - name of the presentation

  • pconfig - object holding configuration options

Returns: Nothing.

      that.addPresentation = (pName, pconfig) ->
        poptions = $.extend(true, {}, pconfig)
        that.ready () ->
          pcontainer = $(container).find(poptions.container)
          pcontainer = pcontainer[0] if $.isArray(pcontainer)
          poptions.dataView = that.dataView[pconfig.dataView]
          poptions.application = thatFn
          if pconfig.components?
            poptions.components = {}
            for ccName, cconfig of pconfig.components
              if typeof cconfig == "string"
                poptions.components[ccName] = that.component[ccName]
                ccoptions = $.extend(true, {}, ccconfig)
                ccoptions.application = thatFn
                poptions.components[ccName] = cconfig.type.initInstance ccoptions
          if pconfig.controllers?
            poptions.controllers = {}
            for cName, cconfig of pconfig.controllers
              if typeof cconfig == "string"
                poptions.controllers[cName] = that.controller[cName]
                coptions = $.extend(true, {}, cconfig)
                coptions.application = thatFn
                poptions.controllers[cName] = cconfig.type.initInstance coptions
          presentation = pconfig.type.initInstance pcontainer, poptions
          that.presentation[pName] = presentation


Adds a plugin to the application.


  • pconf - object holding configuration options

Returns: Nothing.

      that.addPlugin = (pconf) ->
        pconfig = $.extend(true, {}, pconf)
        pconfig.application = thatFn

        plugin = pconfig.type.initInstance(pconfig)
        if plugin?
          if pconfig?.dataView?

            plugin.dataView = that.dataView[pconfig.dataView]

            plugin.dataView.addType type for type, typeInfo of plugin.getTypes()

            plugin.dataView.addProperty prop, propOptions for prop, propOptions of plugin.getProperties()

          for pname, prconfig of plugin.getPresentations()
            (pname, prconfig) ->
              that.ready ->
                proptions = $.extend(true, {}, prconfig.options)
                pcontainer = $(container).find(prconfig.container)
                pcontainer = pcontainer[0] if $.isArray(pcontainer)

                proptions.lenses = prconfig.lenses if prconfig?.lenses?
                if prconfig.dataView?
                  proptions.dataView = that.dataView[prconfig.dataView] 
                else if pconfig.dataView?
                  proptions.dataView = that.dataView[pconfig.dataView]
                proptions.application = thatFn
                presentation = prconfig.type.initInstance pcontainer, proptions
                plugin.presentation[pname] = presentation

In addition to the configuration options for generic MITHgrid object instances, the following configuration options are available:


See the section on #addDataStore.

      if options?.dataStores?
        for storeName, config of options.dataStores
          that.addDataStore storeName, config


See the section on #addDataView.

      if options?.dataViews?
        for viewName, viewConfig of options.dataViews
          that.addDataView viewName, viewConfig


See the section on #addController.

      if options?.controllers?
        for cName, cconfig of options.controllers
          that.addController cName, cconfig


See the section on #addFacet.

      if options?.facets?
        for fName, fconfig of options.facets
          that.addFacet fName, fconfig


See the section on #addComponent

      if options?.components?
        for cName, cconfig of options.components
          that.addComponent cName, cconfig


See the section on #addPresentation.

      if options?.presentations?
        for pName, pconfig of options.presentations
          that.addPresentation pName, pconfig


See the section on #addPlugin.

      if options?.plugins?
        for pconfig in options.plugins
          that.addPlugin pconfig

generated Wed May 01 2013 09:27:57 GMT-0400 (EDT)

This project is maintained by umd-mith

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