
JavaScript framework for building data-oriented, event-driven browser applications.


MITHgrid Controllers

Controllers translate UI events into MITHgrid events. The goal is to create programs that only need a different set of controllers to allow a different manner of user interaction.

MITHgrid.namespace 'Controller', (Controller) ->


Controllers do not have any display component, so they only need a class name and the configuration object. Controller objects use the #bind() method to bind a controller to a UI element. The returned object is used to manage that particular binding.


  • bind - configuration options passed to the binding object constructor

  • selectors - a map of strings to CSS selectors for finding children of a UI element when binding

  Controller.initInstance = (args...) ->
    MITHgrid.initInstance "MITHgrid.Controller", args..., (that) ->
      options = that.options
      options.selectors ?= {}
      options.selectors[''] ?= ''

We need something that can have functions bindable to an element this isn't that object, but can produce that object, so this is a kind of controller factory that can be used by lenses


Initialize the binding for the given element. If the element is a string or an object without a .node property, then the element is assumed to be a DOM element. Otherwise, it is assumed to be a Raphaël node.

FIXME: This overloading should be two different classes. We should move the Raphaël code out of here since this is the only piece of MITHgrid that understands anything about Raphaël. It's reasonable that a developer know if they're dealing with a regular DOM element or a Raphaël node.


  • element - the DOM element being bound


The initialized binding object.

      that.initBind = (element) ->
        MITHgrid.initInstance options.bind, (binding) ->
          bindingsCache = { '': $(element) }
          binding.locate = (internalSelector) ->
            selector = options.selectors[internalSelector]
            if selector?
              if selector == ''
                el = $(element)
                el = $(element).find(selector)
              bindingsCache[selector] = el
              return el
            return undefined
          binding.fastLocate = (internalSelector) ->
            selector = options.selectors[internalSelector]
            if selector?
              if bindingsCache[selector]?
                return bindingsCache[selector]
              return binding.locate internalSelector
            return undefined
          binding.refresh = (listOfSelectors) ->
            for internalSelector in listOfSelectors
              selector = options.selectors[internalSelector]
              if selector?
                if selector == ''
                  bindingsCache[''] = $(element)
                  bindingsCache[selector] = $(element).find(selector)
            return undefined
          binding.clearCache = () ->
            bindingsCache = { '': $(element) }


Binds the controller to the given UI element and returns an object that can be used to manage the binding. This is the method that will be used most outside the controller definition.

Bindings can have events associated with them depending on how the controller is configured.


  • element - the DOM element (or Raphaël node) to which the controller should bind

  • args... - optional arguments to be passed to the #applyBindings() method


The binding object used to manage the binding.

      that.bind = (element, args...) ->
        binding = that.initBind element
        that.applyBindings binding, args...
        binding.unbind = ->
          that.removeBindings binding, args...


This method should be overridden in any subclass. The #bind() method will call this with the new binding object and any arguments passed to the #bind() method.


  • binding - the new binding object

  • args... - any additional arguments passed to the #bind() method after the element being bound

Returns: Nothing.

      that.applyBindings = (binding, args...) ->


This method should be overridden in any subclass. The #unbind() method on the binding object will call this with the binding object and any arguments passed to the #bind() method.


  • binding - the binding object

  • args... - any additional aguments passed to the #bind() method that returned the binding object

Returns: Nothing.

      that.removeBindings = (binding, args...) ->

  Controller.namespace "Raphael", (Raphael) ->
    Raphael.initInstance = (args...) ->
      MITHgrid.Controller.initInstance "MITHgrid.Controller.Raphael", args..., (that) ->
        initDOMBinding = that.initBind
        that.initBind = (raphaelDrawing) ->
          binding = initDOMBinding raphaelDrawing.node

          superLocate = binding.locate
          superFastLocate = binding.fastLocate
          superRefresh = binding.refresh
          superBind = binding.bind

          binding.locate = (internalSelector) ->
            if internalSelector == 'raphael'
              superLocate internalSelector

          binding.fastLocate = (internalSelector) ->
            if internalSelector == 'raphael'
              superFastLocate internalSelector

          binding.refresh = (listOfSelectors) ->
            listOfSelectors = (s for s in listOfSelectors when s != 'raphael')
            superRefresh listOfSelectors


generated Wed May 01 2013 09:27:58 GMT-0400 (EDT)

This project is maintained by umd-mith

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