JavaScript framework for building data-oriented, event-driven browser applications.
core.coffeesrc/ | |
namespace managementThese functions are available as properties of the global MITHgrid object. The debug() and namespace() functions are properties of all namespaces created using MITHgrid. | |
MITHgrid.debugIf you don't know if the console.log is available, use MITHgrid.debug. If console.log is available, it's the same function. Otherwise, it's a NOP. | if console?.log?
MITHgrid.debug = console.log
MITHgrid.debug = () -> |
MITHgrid.errorMITHgrid.error will be like MITHgrid.debug except that it will return the arguments in an object that can be thrown as an error. It is used in the data store loadItems() function. | MITHgrid.error = () -> {}, arguments
{ 'arguments': arguments } |
MITHgrid.depracatedProduces an augmented function that outputs a warning through MITHgrid.debug about the call to the function. We need to make it produce a context for the call so we know where to look. | MITHgrid.deprecated = (fname, cb) ->
(args...) ->
console.log "Call to deprecated function #{fname}."
cb args...
MITHgrid.namespaceEnsures the namespace exists as a property of the MITHgrid global. Any namespace created will have the debug() and namespace() functions available. Parameters:
Returns: The object corresponding to the namespace. | MITHgrid.namespace = (nom, fn) ->
genericNamespacer MITHgrid, nom, fn
We need a general way to handle namespace creation. We do this so we can use closures when creating the namespace. | genericNamespacer = (base, nom, fn) -> |
TODO: check for '.' in nom | bits = nom.split('.')
while bits.length > 1
if !base[bits[0]]
base = genericNamespacer base, bits[0]
if !base[bits[0]]?
newbase =
namespace: (nom2, fn2) ->
genericNamespacer newbase, nom2, fn2
debug: MITHgrid.debug
base[bits[0]] = newbase
if fn?
fn base[bits[0]]
base[bits[0]] |
MITHgrid.globalNamespaceEnsures the namespace exists in the global space. Any namespace created will have the debug() and namespace() functions available. Parameters:
Returns: The object corresponding to the namespace. | MITHgrid.globalNamespace = (nom, fn) ->
globals = window
globals[nom] or= {}
globals[nom]["debug"] or= MITHgrid.debug
globals[nom]["namespace"] or= (n, f) ->
genericNamespacer globals[nom], n, f
if fn?
fn globals[nom]
globals[nom] |
that-ism helper functionsThese functions are available as properties of the global MITHgrid object. | |
MITHgrid.normalizeArgsAccepts the arguments passed in from the constructor and sorts out the various pieces. Parameters:
Returns: An array of three elements: a list of namespaces, the DOM container, and the options object. | MITHgrid.normalizeArgs = (args...) -> |
String optional String/Array optional DOM/String optional Object optional Function |
callbacks = []
options = []
t = args.pop()
while $.isFunction(t) or $.isPlainObject(t)
if $.isFunction t
callbacks.push t
options.push t
t = args.pop()
args.push t
if callbacks.length == 0
cb = (t...) ->
else if callbacks.length == 1
cb = callbacks[0]
cb = (t...) ->
for c in callbacks
if options.length == 0
opts = {}
else if options.length == 1
opts = options[0]
options = options.reverse()
opts = $.extend true, {}, options...
while the front of args is a string, we shift into the type array | types = []
while typeof args[0] == "string"
if args[0].substr(0,1) in ["#", "."]
types.push args.shift()
types = types.reverse()
if $.isArray args[0]
types = types.concat args.shift()
if args.length > 0
container = args.pop()
container = null
[ types, container, opts, cb ]
MITHgridDefaults = {} |
MITHgrid.defaultsAllows default configuration values to be set for a given namespace. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | MITHgrid.defaults = (namespace, defaults) ->
MITHgridDefaults[namespace] or= {}
MITHgridDefaults[namespace] = $.extend(true, MITHgridDefaults[namespace], defaults)
Returns: The synchronizer object. | MITHgrid.initSynchronizer = (callback) ->
that = {}
counter = 1
done = false
fired = false |
#incrementIncrements the synchronizer counter by one. Returns: The new value of the synchronizer counter. | that.increment = () -> counter += 1 |
#addAdds the indicated number to the synchronizer. Parameters:
Returns: The new value of the synchronizer counter. | that.add = (n) -> counter += n |
#decrementDecrements the synchronizer counter by one. Returns: The new value of the synchronizer counter. | that.decrement = () ->
counter -= 1
if counter <= 0 and done and !fired
fired = true
callback() if callback?
counter |
#doneMarks the synchronizer as done. The counter should monotonically decrease after this. Once it is zero, the "done" callback will run. Returns: The new value of the synchronizer counter. If it is zero, then the "done" callback should be scheduled to run. | that.done = (cb) ->
done = true
callback = cb if cb?
that.process = (items, cb) ->
n = items.length
that.add n
processItems = (start) ->
end = start + 100
end = n if end > n
for i in [start ... end]
if end < n
setTimeout ->
processItems end
, 0
setTimeout ->
processItems 0
, 0
Returns: The EventFirer object. | MITHgrid.initEventFirer = (isPreventable, isUnicast, hasMemory) ->
that =
isPreventable: !!isPreventable
isUnicast: !!isUnicast
hasMemory: !!hasMemory
callbackFlags = []
if that.isPreventable
callbackFlags.push "stopOnFalse"
callbacks = $.Callbacks(callbackFlags.join(" "))
destroyer = ->
callbacks.empty() |
#removeListenerRemoves a listener (or set of listeners) from an event firer. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | remover = (listener) -> callbacks.remove listener
#addListenerAdds a listener to an event. Parameters:
Returns: Callback to remove listener. | adder = (listener) ->
callbacks.add listener
-> remover listener
#fireFire's behavior depends on the type of event that is firing. If a unicast event, then fire() will call the first listener. All other listeners will be ignored. If the event is preventable, then fire() will call each listener in turn until either it runs out of listeners or a listener returns the "false" value. If the event is neither unicast nor preventable, then fire() will call each listener in turn. After all listeners are called, it will return the "true" value. Parameters:
Returns: Fire's behavior depends on the type of event that is firing. A unicast event will always return the value returned by the listener. If there are no listeners, it will return the "true" value. If the event is preventable, then fire() will return the "false" value if a listener returns "false". Otherwise, it will return "true". If neither unicast nor preventabe, then fire() will return "true" regardless of how many listeners are called. | firer = (args...) -> args...
if that.isUnicast or that.isPreventable
callbackFns = []
remover = (listener) ->
callbackFns = (fn for fn in callbackFns when fn != listener)
adder = (listener) ->
callbackFns.push listener
-> remover listener
if that.isUnicast
callbacks.add (args...) ->
if callbackFns.length > 0
if that.isPreventable
firer = (args...) ->
for fn in callbackFns
r = fn(args...)
if r == false
return false
return true
destroyer = ->
callbackFns = []
else if that.hasMemory
memory = []
oldAdder = adder
adder = (listener) ->
for m in memory
oldAdder listener
oldFirer = firer
firer = (args...) ->
memory.push args
oldFirer args...
destroyer = ->
memory = []
that.addListener = adder
that.removeListener = remover = firer
that._destroy = destroyer
Object InstancesWe use a local global to track how many objects we've initialized so we can assign a unique number to each. This is useful when debugging to see if you are creating the right number of objects or too many. | initViewCounter = 0 |
MITHgrid.initInstanceInitialize an object based on that-ism principles. Parameters:
Returns: The instantiated and initialized object. | MITHgrid.initInstance = (args...) ->
[namespace, container, config, cb] = MITHgrid.normalizeArgs args...
that =
_mithgrid_type: "MITHgrid"
onDestroyFns = []
that.onDestroy = (cb) ->
onDestroyFns.push cb
that._destroy = ->
for cb in onDestroyFns.reverse()
onDestroyFns = []
for e, obj of
for k, v of that
delete that[k]
optionsArray = [ ]
if namespace?
if typeof namespace == "string"
namespace = [ namespace ]
that._mithgrid_type = namespace[0]
for ns in namespace
bits = ns.split('.')
ns = bits.shift()
if MITHgridDefaults[ns]?
optionsArray.push MITHgridDefaults[ns]
while bits.length > 0
ns = ns + "." + bits.shift()
if MITHgridDefaults[ns]?
optionsArray.push MITHgridDefaults[ns]
if config?
optionsArray.push config
options = $.extend(true, {}, optionsArray...)
initViewCounter += 1 = initViewCounter
that.options = options
that.container = container = {}
for k, c of
if c?
if typeof c == "string"
c = [ c ]
c = [][k] = MITHgrid.initEventFirer( ("preventable" in c), ("unicast" in c), ("memory" in c) )
#addVariableAdds a managed variable to the instance object. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. Configuration:
| that.addVariable = (varName, config) ->
value = config.default or= 'rw'
if 'w' in
filter = config.filter
validate = config.validate
eventName = config.event || ('on' + varName + 'Change')
setName = config.setter || ('set' + varName)
adderName = config.adder || ('add' + varName)
lockName = || ('lock' + varName)
unlockName = config.unlocker || ('unlock' + varName)[eventName] = event = MITHgrid.initEventFirer()
if filter?
if validate?
setter = (v) ->
v = validate filter v
if value != v
value = v
setter = (v) ->
v = filter v
if value != v
value = v
if validate?
setter = (v) ->
v = validate v
if value != v
value = v
setter = (v) ->
if value != v
value = v
if 'l' in
locked = 0
that[lockName] = -> locked += 1
that[unlockName] = -> locked -= 1
oldSetter = setter
setter = (v) ->
if locked == 0
that[setName] = setter
if config.isa == "numeric"
that[adderName] = (n) -> setter(n + value)
if 'r' in
getName = config.getter || ('get' + varName)
that[getName] = () -> value
if that.options?.variables?
for varName, config of options.variables
that.addVariable varName, config |
viewSetup | if options?.viewSetup? and container?
vs = options.viewSetup
if $.isFunction(vs)
$(document).ready -> vs $(container)
$(document).ready -> $(container).append vs
if cb?
cb that, container
that |
Global BehaviorsSometimes, we need to do things on a global basis without having to create an object for each application, component, or plugin. Window Resize HandlerUse fn() { } ) to receive notifications when the browser window is resized. | MITHgrid.namespace 'events', (events) ->
events.onWindowResize = MITHgrid.initEventFirer( false, false )
$(document).ready ->
$(window).resize ->
setTimeout, 0 |
Mouse captureTo receive notices of mouse movement and mouse button up events regardless of where they are in the document, register appropriate functions. | MITHgrid.namespace 'mouse', (mouse) ->
mouseCaptureCallbacks = []
mouse.capture = (cb) ->
oldCB = mouseCaptureCallbacks[0]
mouseCaptureCallbacks.unshift cb
if mouseCaptureCallbacks.length == 1 |
it was zero before, so no bindings | $(document).mousemove (e) ->
mouseCaptureCallbacks[0].call e, "mousemove"
$(document).mouseup (e) ->
mouseCaptureCallbacks[0].call e, "mouseup"
mouse.uncapture = ->
oldCB = mouseCaptureCallbacks.shift()
if mouseCaptureCallbacks.length == 0
$(document).unbind "mousemove"
$(document).unbind "mouseup"
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