JavaScript framework for building data-oriented, event-driven browser applications.
data.coffeesrc/ | |
We place most of the data-centric pieces in the MITHgrid.Data namespace. | MITHgrid.namespace 'Data', (Data) ->
Data.namespace 'Set', (Set) -> |
Data SetsSets track membership of string item IDs. Sets are basic objects that do not participate in the MITHgrid.initInstance scheme. Set.initInstanceInitializes a set. Parameters:
Returns: The set object. | Set.initInstance = (values) ->
that = {}
items = {}
count = 0
recalc_items = true
items_list = [] |
#itemsReturns a list of item IDs in the set. Parameters: None. Returns: An array of item IDs. | that.items = () ->
if recalc_items
items_list = []
for i of items
items_list.push i if typeof(i) == "string" and items[i] == true
items_list |
#addAdds an item ID to the set. Parameters:
Returns: Returns nothing. | that.add = (item) ->
if !items[item]?
items[item] = true
recalc_items = true
count += 1 |
#removeRemoves the item ID from the set. Parameters:
Returns: Returns nothing. | that.remove = (item) ->
if items[item]?
delete items[item]
recalc_items = true
count -= 1
#emptyRemoves all items from the set. Parameters: None. Returns: Returns nothing. | that.empty = () ->
items = {}
count = 0
recalc_items = false
items_list = []
false |
#visitCalls a function with each item ID in the set. This will terminate if the called function returns the "true" value. Parameters:
Returns: Returns nothing. | that.visit = (fn) ->
for o of items
break if fn(o) == true
false |
#containsReturns true if the item ID is in the set. Parameters:
Returns: True or false depending on the presence of the item ID in the set. | that.contains = (o) ->
items[o]? |
#sizeReturns the number of item IDs in the set. Parameters: None. Returns: The number of item IDs in the set. | that.size = () ->
if recalc_items
if values instanceof Array
that.add i for i in values
Data TypesThis object type is used to encapsulate information about item types. Used within data store objects and parsed expressions. | Data.namespace 'Type', (Type) ->
Type.initInstance = (t) ->
that =
name: t
custom: {}
Data PropertiesThis object type is used to encapsulate information about item properties. Used within data store objects and parsed expressions. | Data.namespace 'Property', (Property) ->
Property.initInstance = (p) ->
that =
name: p
getValueType: () ->
that.valueType ? 'text'
Data StoreMITHgrid.Data.Store is a basic triple store that allows updating and deletion of triples. Data stores are usually used as sources for data views. The data store supports export and import of JSON-LD data. | Data.namespace 'Store', (Store) -> |
Store.initInstanceInitializes a data store instance. Parameters:
Returns: The configured data store instance. | Store.initInstance = (args...) ->
MITHgrid.initInstance "MITHgrid.Data.Store", args..., (that) -> # we don't use container
quiesc_events = false
set = Data.Set.initInstance()
types = {}
properties = {}
spo = {}
ops = {}
options = that.options |
#items (see Set#items) | that.items = set.items
#contains (see Set#contains) | that.contains = set.contains
#visit (see Set#visit) | that.visit = set.visit
#size (see Set#size) | that.size = set.size |
indexPut (private)Puts a triple into an index. This manages reference counting. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | indexPut = (index, x, y, z) ->
hash = index[x]
if !hash?
hash =
values: {}
counts: {}
index[x] = hash
hash.values[y] = [ z ]
hash.counts[y] = { }
hash.counts[y][z] = 1
values = hash.values
counts = hash.counts
if !values[y]?
values[y] = [ z ]
counts[y] = {}
counts[y][z] = 1
if counts[y][z]?
counts[y][z] += 1
values[y].push z
counts[y][z] = 1 |
indexFillSet (private)Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | indexFillSet = (index, x, y, set, filter) ->
hash = index[x]
if hash?
array = hash.values[y]
if array?
if filter?
for z in array
set.add z if filter.contains z
set.add z for z in array
false |
getUnion (private)Parameters:
Returns: If set is not defined, then a new set is created and returned. Otherwise, the set passed in is returned with the additional items added. | getUnion = (index, xSet, y, set, filter) ->
if !set?
set = Data.Set.initInstance()
xSet.visit (x) -> indexFillSet index, x, y, set, filter
set |
#addPropertyAdds metadata about a property. Parameters:
Returns: The property object holding the information. | that.addProperty = (nom, options) ->
prop = Data.Property.initInstance nom
if options?.valueType?
prop.valueType = options.valueType
properties[nom] = prop
prop |
#getPropertyReturns the property object holding the related metadata. Parameters:
Returns: Object holding the property metadata. | that.getProperty = (nom) -> properties[nom] ? Data.Property.initInstance(nom) |
#addTypeAdds metadata about a type. Parameters:
Returns: The type object holding the information. | that.addType = (nom, options) ->
type = Data.Type.initInstance(nom)
types[nom] = type
type |
#getTypeReturns the type object holding the related metadata. Parameters:
Returns: Object holding the type metadata. | that.getType = (nom) -> types[nom] ? Data.Type.initInstance(nom) |
#getItemReturns the triples related to an item ID Parameters:
Returns: An object containing the triples related to the item ID. If the item ID is not in the data store, then and empty object is returned. | that.getItem = (id, cb) ->
result = spo[id]?.values ? {}
if cb
cb null, result
result |
#getItemsReturns an array of objects holding the triples associated with an array of item IDs. Parameters:
Returns: An array of objects containing the triples related to the item IDs. If you provide a callback function, then the results will be passed to the callback one at a time, ending with null. The callback function has the signature (err, doc):
| that.getItems = (ids, cb) ->
if cb?
sync = MITHgrid.initSyncronizer cb
if ids.length?
for id in ids
that.getItem id, (err, res) ->
cb err, res
that.getItem ids, (err, res) ->
cb err, res
if ids.length
(that.getItem id for id in ids)
[ that.getItem ids ]
#removeItemsRemoves triples associated with the item IDs. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing Events:
| that.removeItems = (ids, fn) ->
id_list = []
indexRemove (private to #removeItems)Removes a triple from an index if the reference count is zero. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | indexRemove = (index, x, y, z) ->
hash = index[x]
return if !hash?
array = hash.values[y];
counts = hash.counts[y];
return if !array? or !counts?
counts[z] -= 1
if counts[z] < 1
i = $.inArray z, array
if i == 0
array = array[1...array.length]
else if i == array.length - 1
array = array[0 ... i]
else if i > 0
array = array[0 ... i].concat array[i + 1 ... array.length]
if array.length > 0
hash.values[y] = array
delete hash.values[y]
delete counts[z] |
TODO: if counts empty, then we need to bubble up the deletion | sum = 0
for k, v of counts
sum += v
if sum == 0
delete index[x]
false |
indexRemoveFn (private to #removeItems)Removes the triple from the forward and backward indices. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | indexRemoveFn = (s, p, o) ->
indexRemove spo, s, p, o
indexRemove ops, o, p, s
removeValues (private to #removeItems)Removes the listed values for the property associated with the item ID. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing | removeValues = (id, p, list) -> indexRemoveFn(id, p, o) for o in list
removeItem (private to #removeItems)Removes the item from the data store. Parameters:
Returns: Nothing. | removeItem = (id) ->
entry = that.getItem id
for p, items of entry
continue if typeof(p) != "string" or p in ["id"]
removeValues id, p, items
removeValues id, 'id', [ id ]
for id in ids
removeItem id
id_list.push id
set.remove id that, id_list
if fn?
#updateItems | that.updateItems = (items, fn) ->
id_list = [] |
indexRemove (private to #updateItems) | indexRemove = (index, x, y, z) ->
hash = index[x]
return if !hash?
array = hash.values[y]
counts = hash.counts[y]
return if !array? or !counts? |
we need to remove the old z values | counts[z] -= 1
if counts[z] < 1
i = $.inArray z, array
if i == 0
array = array[1...array.length]
else if i == array.length - 1
array = array[0 ... i]
else if i > 0
array = array[0 ... i].concat array[i + 1 ... array.length]
if array.length > 0
hash.values[y] = array
delete hash.values[y]
delete counts[z]
indexPutFn (private to #updateItems) | indexPutFn = (s, p, o) ->
indexPut spo, s, p, o
indexPut ops, o, p, s |
indexRemoveFn (private to #updateItems) | indexRemoveFn = (s, p, o) ->
indexRemove spo, s, p, o
indexRemove ops, o, p, s |
updateItem (private to #updateItems) | updateItem = (entry) -> |
we only update things that are different from the old_item we also only update properties that are in the new item if anything is changed, we return true otherwise, we return false | id =
changed = false
itemListIdentical = (to, from) ->
items_same = true
return false if to.length != from.length
for i in []
if to[i] != from[i]
items_same = false
removeValues = (id, p, list) -> indexRemoveFn(id, p, o) for o in list
putValues = (id, p, list) -> indexPutFn(id, p, o) for o in list
id = id[0] if $.isArray(id)
old_item = that.getItem id
for p, items of entry
continue if typeof(p) != "string" or p in ["id"] |
if entry[p] and old_item[p] have the same members in the same order, then we do nothing | items = [items] if !$.isArray(items)
s = items.length;
if !old_item[p]?
putValues id, p, items
changed = true
else if !itemListIdentical items, old_item[p]
changed = true
removeValues id, p, old_item[p]
putValues id, p, items
changed that
n = items.length
chunk_size = parseInt(n / 100, 10)
chunk_size = 500 if chunk_size > 500
chunk_size = 100 if chunk_size < 100
f = (start) ->
end = start + chunk_size;
end = n if end > n
for i in [start ... end]
entry = items[i]
if typeof(entry) == "object" and updateItem entry
if end < n
setTimeout () ->
f end
else that that, id_list
if fn?
f 0 |
#loadItems | that.loadItems = (items, endFn) ->
id_list = [] |
indexFn (private to #loadItems) | indexFn = (s, p, o) ->
indexPut spo, s, p, o
indexPut ops, o, p, s |
loadItem (private to #loadItems) | loadItem = (item) ->
if !
throw MITHgrid.error "Item entry has no id: ", item
if !item.type?
throw MITHgrid.error "Item entry has no type: ", item
id =
id = id[0] if $.isArray id
set.add id
id_list.push id
indexFn id, "id", id
for p, v of item
if typeof(p) != "string"
if p not in ["id"]
if $.isArray(v)
indexFn id, p, vv for vv in v
else if v?
indexFn id, p, v that
n = items.length
if endFn?
chunk_size = parseInt(n / 100, 10)
chunk_size = 500 if chunk_size > 500
chunk_size = n
chunk_size = 100 if chunk_size < 100
f = (start) ->
end = start + chunk_size
end = n if end > n
for i in [ start ... end ]
entry = items[i]
loadItem entry if typeof(entry) == "object"
if end < n
setTimeout () ->
, 0
else that that, id_list
endFn() if endFn?
f 0 |
#prepare | that.prepare = (expressions) ->
parser = MITHgrid.Expression.Basic.initInstance()
parsed = (parser.parse(ex) for ex in expressions)
valueType = undefined
evaluate: (id) ->
values = []
valueType = undefined
for ex in parsed
do (ex) ->
items = ex.evaluateOnItem id, that
valueType or= items.valueType
values = values.concat items.values.items()
valueType: () -> valueType |
#getObjectsUnion | that.getObjectsUnion = (subjects, p, set, filter) -> getUnion spo, subjects, p, set, filter
#getSubjectsUnion | that.getSubjectsUnion = (objects, p, set, filter) -> getUnion ops, objects, p, set, filter |
#registerPresentation | that.registerPresentation = (ob) ->
ob.onDestroy (m, i) -> ob.eventModelChange m, i
ob.eventModelChange that, that.items() |
Data ViewProvides a filtered view of a data store based on configured filters (e.g., facets). The filtered view can also be constrained based on item types or other simple property value expectations. | Data.namespace 'View', (View) -> |
View.initInstance | View.initInstance = (args...) ->
MITHgrid.initInstance "MITHgrid.Data.View", args..., (that) ->
set = Data.Set.initInstance()
options = that.options
filterItem (private) | filterItem = (id) ->
false != that.dataStore, id |
filterItems (private) | filterItems = (endFn) ->
ids = that.dataStore.items()
n = ids.length
if n == 0
if n > 200
chunk_size = parseInt(n / 100, 10)
chunk_size = 500 if chunk_size > 500
chunk_size = n
chunk_size = 100 if chunk_size < 100
f = (start) ->
end = start + chunk_size
end = n if end > n
for i in [ start ... end ]
id = ids[i]
if filterItem id
set.add id
set.remove id
if end < n
setTimeout () ->
f end
, 0
that.items = set.items
that.size = set.size
that.contains = set.contains
that.visit = set.visit
endFn() if endFn?
f 0 |
#registerFilter | that.registerFilter = (ob) -> (x, y) -> ob.eventFilterItem x, y (m, i) -> ob.eventModelChange m, i that.eventFilterChange |
#registerPresentation | that.registerPresentation = (ob) ->
ob.onDestroy (m, i) -> ob.eventModelChange m, i
filterItems -> ob.eventModelChange that, that.items()
#items (see Set#items) | that.items = set.items |
#contains (see Set#contains) | that.contains = set.contains |
#visit (see Set#visit) | that.visit = set.visit |
#size (see Set#size) | that.size = set.size
that.eventFilterChange = () ->
current_set = Data.Set.initInstance that.items()
filterItems () ->
changed_set = Data.Set.initInstance()
for i in current_set.items()
if !that.contains i
changed_set.add i
for i in that.items()
if !current_set.contains i
changed_set.add i
if changed_set.size() > 0 that, changed_set.items()
that.eventModelChange = (model, items) ->
changed_set = Data.Set.initInstance()
for id in items
if model.contains id
if filterItem id
set.add id
changed_set.add id
if set.contains id
changed_set.add id
set.remove id
changed_set.add id
set.remove id that, changed_set.items()
if options?.types?.length > 0
((types) ->
eventFilterItem: (model, id) ->
item = model.getItem id
return false if !item.type?
for t in types
return if t in item.type
return false
eventModelChange: (x, y) ->
addListener: (x) ->
if options?.filters?.length > 0
((filters) ->
parser = MITHgrid.Expression.Basic.initInstance()
parsedFilters = (parser.parse(ex) for ex in filters)
eventFilterItem: (model, id) ->
for ex in parsedFilters
values = ex.evaluateOnItem(id, model)
values = values.values.items()
for v in values
return if v != "false"
return false
eventModelChange: (x, y) ->
addListener: (x) ->
if options?.collection?
eventFilterItem: options.collection
eventModelChange: (x, y) ->
addListener: (x) ->
if options?.expressions? |
We want a way to make our set of items depend on running expressions on the items passed to us from the parent dataView/dataStore. It needs to be quick, similar to the current propagation of changes. N.B.: These are not event-based expressions. The expressions must result in itemIds that are contained in the parent dataStore. | expressions = options.dataStore.prepare(options.expressions)
prevEventModelChange = that.eventModelChange
intermediateDataStore = MITHgrid.Data.Store.initInstance({})
subjectSet = MITHgrid.Data.Set.initInstance()
that.eventModelChange = (model, items) ->
itemList = []
removedItems = []
intermediateSet = MITHgrid.Data.Set.initInstance()
intermediateSet = intermediateDataStore.getObjectsUnion subjectSet, "mapsTo", intermediateSet
for id in items
if intermediateSet.contains(id)
itemList.push id
if !model.contains(id) |
we need to find everything that maps to id | idSet = MITHgrid.Data.Set.initInstance()
intermediateDataStore.getSubjectsUnion MITHgrid.Data.Set.initInstance([id]), "mapsTo", idSet
idSet.visit (x) ->
item = intermediateDataStore.getItem x
mapsTo = item.mapsTo
if mapsTo?
i = mapsTo.indexOf(id)
if i == 0
mapsTo = mapsTo[1 ... mapsTo.length]
else if i == mapsTo.length-1
mapsTo = mapsTo[0 ... mapsTo.length-1]
else if i > -1
mapsTo = mapsTo[0 ... i].concat mapsTo[i+1 ... mapsTo.length]
intermediateDataStore.updateItems [
id: x
mapsTo: mapsTo
else if model.contains(id)
itemSet = MITHgrid.Data.Set.initInstance()
for v in expressions.evaluate([id])
if intermediateDataStore.contains(id)
intermediateDataStore.updateItems [
id: id
mapsTo: itemSet.items()
intermediateDataStore.loadItems [
id: id
mapsTo: itemSet.items()
else |
push onto itemList the items mapped to by this id | itemList = itemList.concat(intermediateDataStore.getItem(id).mapsTo)
removedItems.push id
if removedItems.length > 0
intermediateSet = MITHgrid.Data.Set.initInstance()
intermediateDataStore.getObjectsUnion subjectSet, "mapsTo", intermediateSet
itemList = (item for item in itemList when item in items)
prevEventModelChange intermediateSet, itemList
that.dataStore = options.dataStore |
#getItems (see Data Store #getItems) | that.getItems = that.dataStore.getItems
#getItem (see Data Store #getItem) | that.getItem = that.dataStore.getItem
#removeItems (see Data Store #removeItems) | that.removeItems = that.dataStore.removeItems
#updateItems (see Data Store #updateItems) | that.updateItems = that.dataStore.updateItems
#loadItems (see Data Store #loadItems) | that.loadItems = that.dataStore.loadItems
#prepare (see Data Store #prepare) | that.prepare = that.dataStore.prepare
#addType (see Data Store #addType) | that.addType = that.dataStore.addType
#getType (see Data Store #getType) | that.getType = that.dataStore.getType
#addProperty (see Data Store #addProperty) | that.addProperty = that.dataStore.addProperty
#getProperty (see Data Store #getProperty) | that.getProperty = that.dataStore.getProperty
#getObjectsUnion (see Data Store #getObjectsUnion) | that.getObjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getObjectsUnion
#getSubjectsUnion (see Data Store #getSubjectsUnion) | that.getSubjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getSubjectsUnion that.eventModelChange
that.eventModelChange that.dataStore, that.dataStore.items()
Data Subset View | Data.namespace 'SubSet', (SubSet) -> |
SubSet.initInstanceGiven a set of expressions and a key value, the resulting set of items will consist of all items which satisfy the expressions by producing the key value. Note that this is a fragile data view. Expressions that hop through other items may result in inconsistent lists of items. | SubSet.initInstance = (args...) ->
MITHgrid.initInstance "MITHgrid.Data.SubSet", args..., (that) ->
options = that.options
key = options.key
set = Data.Set.initInstance() |
#items (see Set#items) | that.items = set.items |
#contains (see Set#contains) | that.contains = set.contains |
#visit (see Set#visit) | that.visit = set.visit |
#size (see Set#size) | that.size = set.size
#setKey | that.setKey = (k) ->
key = k
newItems = Data.Set.initInstance(expressions.evaluate([key]))
changed = []
set.visit (i) ->
if !newItems.contains i
set.remove i
changed.push i
newItems.visit (i) ->
if !set.contains i
set.add i
changed.push i
if changed.length > 0 that, changed
expressions = options.dataStore.prepare(options.expressions)
#eventModelChange | that.eventModelChange = (model, items) ->
if key?
newItems = Data.Set.initInstance(expressions.evaluate([key]))
newItems = Data.Set.initInstance()
changed = []
for i in items
if set.contains i
changed.push i
if !newItems.contains i
set.remove i
else if newItems.contains i
set.add i
changed.push i
if changed.length > 0 that, changed
that.dataStore = options.dataStore |
these mappings allow a data View to stand in for a data Store | that.getItems = that.dataStore.getItems
that.getItem = that.dataStore.getItem
that.removeItems = that.dataStore.removeItems
that.fetchData = that.dataStore.fetchData
that.updateItems = that.dataStore.updateItems
that.loadItems = that.dataStore.loadItems
that.prepare = that.dataStore.prepare
that.addType = that.dataStore.addType
that.getType = that.dataStore.getType
that.addProperty = that.dataStore.addProperty
that.getProperty = that.dataStore.getProperty
that.getObjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getObjectsUnion
that.getSubjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getSubjectsUnion that.eventModelChange
that.eventModelChange that.dataStore, that.dataStore.items()
that.registerPresentation = (ob) ->
ob.onDestroy (m, i) -> ob.eventModelChange m, i
ob.eventModelChange that, that.items()
Data List Pager | Data.namespace 'ListPager', (ListPager) ->
ListPager.initInstance = (args...) ->
MITHgrid.initInstance "MITHgrid.Data.ListPager", args..., (that) ->
options = that.options
itemList = []
itemListStart = 0
itemListStop = -1
leftKey = undefined
rightKey = undefined
findItemPosition = (itemId) -> itemList.indexOf itemId
set = Data.Set.initInstance()
that.items = set.items
that.size = set.size
that.contains = set.contains
that.visit = set.visit
that.dataStore = options.dataStore |
these mappings allow a data pager to stand in for a data Store | that.getItems = that.dataStore.getItems
that.getItem = that.dataStore.getItem
that.removeItems = that.dataStore.removeItems
that.fetchData = that.dataStore.fetchData
that.updateItems = that.dataStore.updateItems
that.loadItems = that.dataStore.loadItems
that.prepare = that.dataStore.prepare
that.addType = that.dataStore.addType
that.getType = that.dataStore.getType
that.addProperty = that.dataStore.addProperty
that.getProperty = that.dataStore.getProperty
that.getObjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getObjectsUnion
that.getSubjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getSubjectsUnion
that.setList = (idList) ->
itemList = idList
changedItems = []
for id in itemList
if that.dataStore.contains(id) and !set.contains(id)
if itemListStart <= itemList.indexOf(id) < itemListStop
changedItems.push id
set.add id
else if set.contains(id) and !that.dataStore.contains(id)
changedItems.push id
set.remove id
for id in set.items()
if !id in itemList or !that.dataStore.contains id
changedItems.push id
set.remove id
if changedItems.length > 0 that, changedItems
that.eventModelChange = (model, items) -> |
we're modifying the items we're tracking, possibly expanding or decreasing the set | changedItems = [] # to propogate on to the next level
for itemId in items
if model.contains(itemId)
key = findItemPosition itemId
if set.contains(itemId)
changedItems.push itemId
if !(itemListStart <= key < itemListStop)
set.remove itemId
if itemListStart <= key < itemListStop
set.add itemId
changedItems.push itemId
set.remove itemId
changedItems.push itemId
if changedItems.length > 0 that, changedItems
that.setKeyRange = (l, r) ->
if l < r
itemListStart = l
itemListStop = r
itemListStart = r
itemListStop = l
oldSet = set
changedItems = Data.Set.initInstance()
set = Data.Set.initInstance()
that.items = set.items
that.size = set.size
that.contains = set.contains
that.visit = set.visit
if itemListStart < itemListStop
for i in [itemListStart..itemListStop]
itemId = itemList[i]
if !oldSet.contains(itemId)
changedItems.add itemId
oldSet.visit (x) ->
if !set.contains(x)
changedItems.add x
if changedItems.size() > 0 that, changedItems.items()
that.dataStore.registerPresentation that
that.registerPresentation = (ob) ->
ob.onDestroy (m, i) -> ob.eventModelChange m, i
ob.eventModelChange that, that.items() |
Data Pager | Data.namespace 'Pager', (Pager) ->
Pager.initInstance = (args...) ->
MITHgrid.initInstance "MITHgrid.Data.Pager", args..., (that) ->
options = that.options
itemList = []
itemListStart = -1
itemListStop = -1
leftKey = undefined
rightKey = undefined
returns the first index that has a key greater than or equal to the given key | findLeftPoint = (key) ->
if !key?
return 0
left = 0
right = itemList.length - 1
while left < right
mid = ~~((left + right) / 2)
if itemList[mid][0] < key
left = mid + 1
else if itemList[mid][0] == key
right = mid
right = mid - 1
while itemList[left]? and itemList[left][0] < key
left += 1
returns the last index that has a key less than or equal to the given key | findRightPoint = (key) ->
if !key?
return itemList.length - 1
left = 0
right = itemList.length - 1
while left < right
mid = ~~((left + right) / 2)
if itemList[mid][0] < key
left = mid + 1
right = mid - 1
while right >= 0 and itemList[right][0] >= key
right -= 1
findItemPosition = (itemId) ->
for i in [0 ... itemList.length]
return i if itemList[i][1] == itemId
return -1
set = Data.Set.initInstance()
that.items = set.items
that.size = set.size
that.contains = set.contains
that.visit = set.visit
that.dataStore = options.dataStore |
these mappings allow a data pager to stand in for a data Store | that.getItems = that.dataStore.getItems
that.getItem = that.dataStore.getItem
that.removeItems = that.dataStore.removeItems
that.fetchData = that.dataStore.fetchData
that.updateItems = that.dataStore.updateItems
that.loadItems = that.dataStore.loadItems
that.prepare = that.dataStore.prepare
that.addType = that.dataStore.addType
that.getType = that.dataStore.getType
that.addProperty = that.dataStore.addProperty
that.getProperty = that.dataStore.getProperty
that.getObjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getObjectsUnion
that.getSubjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getSubjectsUnion
expressions = that.prepare(options.expressions)
that.eventModelChange = (model, items) -> |
we're modifying the items we're tracking, possibly expanding or decreasing the set | changedItems = [] # to propogate on to the next level
for itemId in items
if model.contains(itemId)
keys = expressions.evaluate(itemId)
if keys.length > 0
if expressions.valueType() == "numeric"
key = parseFloat(keys[0])
key = keys[0]
if set.contains(itemId)
i = findItemPosition itemId
if i == -1
itemList.push [ key, itemId ]
itemList[i][0] = key
changedItems.push itemId
if leftKey? and key < leftKey or rightKey? and key >= rightKey
itemList.push [ key, itemId ]
if (!leftKey? or key >= leftKey) and (!rightKey? or key < rightKey)
changedItems.push itemId
if set.contains(itemId)
i = findItemPosition itemId
if i == 0
itemList = itemList[1...itemList.length]
else if i == itemList.length-1
itemList = itemList[0...itemList.length-1]
else if i != -1
itemList = itemList[0...i].concat itemList[i+1...itemList.length]
changedItems.push itemId
set.remove itemId
changedItems.push itemId |
now sort itemList and redo left and right positions and double check set and changedItems list? | itemList.sort (a,b) ->
return -1 if a[0] < b[0]
return 1 if a[0] > b[0]
return 0
itemListStart = findLeftPoint leftKey
itemListStop = findRightPoint rightKey
if changedItems.length > 0 that, changedItems
that.setKeyRange = (l, r) ->
if l? and r?
if l < r
leftKey = l
rightKey = r
leftKey = r
rightKey = l
leftKey = l
rightKey = r
itemListStart = findLeftPoint leftKey
itemListStop = findRightPoint rightKey
changedItems = Data.Set.initInstance()
oldSet = set
set = Data.Set.initInstance()
that.items = set.items
that.size = set.size
that.contains = set.contains
that.visit = set.visit
if itemListStart <= itemListStop
for i in [itemListStart..itemListStop]
itemId = itemList[i][1]
if !oldSet.contains(itemId)
changedItems.add itemId
oldSet.visit (x) ->
if !set.contains(x)
changedItems.add x
if changedItems.size() > 0 that, changedItems.items()
that.dataStore.registerPresentation that
that.registerPresentation = (ob) ->
ob.onDestroy (m, i) -> ob.eventModelChange m, i
ob.eventModelChange that, that.items() |
Data Range Pager | Data.namespace 'RangePager', (RangePager) ->
RangePager.initInstance = (args...) ->
MITHgrid.initInstance "MITHgrid.Data.RangePager", args..., (that) ->
options = that.options
leftPager = Data.Pager.initInstance
dataStore: options.dataStore
expressions: options.leftExpressions
rightPager = Data.Pager.initInstance
dataStore: options.dataStore
expressions: options.rightExpressions
set = Data.Set.initInstance()
that.items = set.items
that.size = set.size
that.contains = set.contains
that.visit = set.visit
that.dataStore = options.dataStore |
these mappings allow a data pager to stand in for a data Store | that.getItems = that.dataStore.getItems
that.getItem = that.dataStore.getItem
that.removeItems = that.dataStore.removeItems
that.fetchData = that.dataStore.fetchData
that.updateItems = that.dataStore.updateItems
that.loadItems = that.dataStore.loadItems
that.prepare = that.dataStore.prepare
that.addType = that.dataStore.addType
that.getType = that.dataStore.getType
that.addProperty = that.dataStore.addProperty
that.getProperty = that.dataStore.getProperty
that.getObjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getObjectsUnion
that.getSubjectsUnion = that.dataStore.getSubjectsUnion
that.eventModelChange = (model, itemIds) ->
changedIds = []
for id in itemIds
if leftPager.contains(id) and rightPager.contains(id)
changedIds.push id
set.add id
else if set.contains id
changedIds.push id
set.remove id that, changedIds
that.setKeyRange = (l, r) ->
if l? and r? and l > r
[l, r] = [r, l]
leftPager.setKeyRange undefined, r
rightPager.setKeyRange l, undefined
leftPager.registerPresentation that
rightPager.registerPresentation that
that.setKeyRange undefined, undefined
that.registerPresentation = (ob) ->
ob.onDestroy (m, i) -> ob.eventModelChange m, i
ob.eventModelChange that, that.items()
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